President Deni shuffles Puntland Government Positions.


True Puntlander

Most three positions change are.
1 ina faroole became wasir
2 Dabancaad in finance ministry
3 juxa to internal to finish 1m1v.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Juxa is someone who can be trusted to fulfill Deni’s promise of holding elections. Dhabancad has been dragging his feet for a year at this point.

His appointment also weakens Faroole’s claim that he represents Reer Garowe. If Juxa is always out there talking about elections, it shows that Faroole is not representative.


True Puntlander
Juxa is someone who can be trusted to fulfill Deni’s promise of holding elections. Dhabancad has been dragging his feet for a year at this point.

His appointment also weakens Faroole’s claim that he represents Reer Garowe. If Juxa is always out there talking about elections, it shows that Faroole is not representative.
Deni wants to make legacy here.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
One person one veto for puntland no more mohamud saleebaan ayaato it’s is over 🫣

So many people believe that Mahamud Salebaan bs and you can never convince them otherwise. The average Cumar Mahamud feels closer Reer Bicidyahan than to Osman Mahamud. I am sure Osman Mahamud feel closer to Ugaar Salebaan than they do to Cumar Mahamud.

The only reason why Puntland’s presidents have so far been Mahamud Salebaan is simply population size. There is no MS conspiracy.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
So many people believe that Mahamud Salebaan bs and you can never convince them otherwise. The average Cumar Mahamud feels closer Reer Bicidyahan than to Osman Mahamud. I am sure Osman Mahamud feel closer to Ugaar Salebaan than they do to Cumar Mahamud.

The only reason why Puntland’s presidents have so far been Mahamud Salebaan is simply population size. There is no MS conspiracy.
Me Muse sultan from bayla amanle is closer to me than bah dubeys from garowe @DR OSMAN…


From Kismaayo
So many people believe that Mahamud Salebaan bs and you can never convince them otherwise. The average Cumar Mahamud feels closer Reer Bicidyahan than to Osman Mahamud. I am sure Osman Mahamud feel closer to Ugaar Salebaan than they do to Cumar Mahamud.

The only reason why Puntland’s presidents have so far been Mahamud Salebaan is simply population size. There is no MS conspiracy.
I think it’s more about location, the farther/isolated 2 clans are, the less closer they are.

Even if the average Cumar Maxamuud feels more close with Reer Bicidyahan (whom they live with in Mudug), doesn’t mean they feel any bit hostile towards Cisse or Osman Maxamuud.

I’m Cali Saleeban. I know who my clan has more ties with, that’ll go to Cusman Maxamuud in terms of Maxamuud Saleeban. Doesn’t mean we feel hostile towards Cisse or Cumar. This is why Siad Barre pitted CS with Cumar Maxamuud instead of Osman/Cisse Vs Cumar Maxamuud.

the reason why MS are more political then Ugaar is simple, we just don’t like Politics. It isn’t even about population at all, even in Bosaaso where we have a huge presence but do we hold high government positions such as mayor? maybe it’s genetical, cuz even in America practically all the Majeerteen Politicians are MS.

we are business people, MS went to Kismaayo due to its better land quality, we went to Kismaayo for Business opportunities. CS don’t like politics, as much as MS.

@Libaax-Joore ‘s people arrived in Kismaayo I believe 1-2 centuries before guemysi? Mines arrived to Kismaayo during Gumeysi, or 1 generation max before gumeysi.
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Hassan Garguute Buldanana

AUG 25, 2023
Lol subclannist dog whistles, very sad but nothing new.
They are not even sub clannist. Its a Mafia organization out to benefit a few.
buntlaaand should only be ruled by cismaan maxmuuuud. And im talking about the pure kind from bari not the @DR OSMAN varient from nuugaal
Ditoore gives us great insight of the Hawiye clan as most of us are not related to HAG. He knows his reer abti very well


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
hassan Shire a goofy he was insulting a PL cop subclan for giving him a minor inconvenience, it was recorded even. :mjlol:

Juxa is an astute leader and I’ve heard nothing but good about the new justice minister


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