President Deni announced that he is presidential candidate in federal government

Thanks @Admin

If Deni wins, he should a) appoint an Abgaal as his PM, b) fully restore the power sharing agreement within Hiirshabelle, c) bring about UAE style federalism, d) returns Gedo to Madobe rule by all means, e) allow a UN mandated independence referendum for Somaliland and most importantly f) fully rid our beloved Somalia from both kebab terrorists and foreign militaries/spies

Not bad
He has mentioned several times in different interviews that he keeps in contact with Farmaajo and talks casually. Wouldn’t surprise me if/when he loses in the 2nd round he endorses Farmaajo
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@Ozark not only can Deni remain PL president whilst he is a candidate for the federal presidency, he can even serve as both president of PL and president of Somalia as a whole at the same time - same way Sheikh Khalifa is simultaneously the ruler of Abu Dhabi and the President of the whole UAE


I like milk and potato.
“Hadafka u weyn oo aan leeyahay wuxuu yahay in Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo uusan sii joogi karin xilka, waa adagtahay in dalkaani uu horay u sii socdo, hadii uu sii joogo.”

They're not sending their best folks. They're sending past presidents, losers, and looters and, I assume, some are good people.
@Ozark not only can Deni remain PL president whilst he is a candidate for the federal presidency, he can even serve as both president of PL and president of Somalia as a whole at the same time - same way Sheikh Khalifa is simultaneously the ruler of Abu Dhabi and the President of the whole UAE
Not only are you wrong but your obsession with UAE is bordering on strange.