Predictions from 1965 are startling accurate

This is a message for christian socialists hadhagaysanin. Islam is already against socialism anyway it don't matter to us. Ninkasta xoogiisuu cunaa.


Flying over your heads
This is a message for christian socialists hadhagaysanin. Islam is already against socialism anyway it don't matter to us. Ninkasta xoogiisuu cunaa.
Well do majority of people listen to islam? People fear the government more than God. Take a proper look beyond the surface at muslim countries and their societies. You'll clock fuckshit in abundance and denying the fuckshits existence won't make it disappear sxb

Ofc there are a lot of Godfearing people. They are the humble neighbors minding their own business. The niggas in the gov got questionable morale compass


It’s not that serious
At first I was into what this guy was saying then it took a turn, what he’s saying is facts but he seems biased towards the left. The right are no better imo

