Pray for Me

You'll rock your paper! I'll ask my grandmother to make duah for you. Her prayers are twenty minutes long because of all the people she's making duah for. She can spare five seconds for you.
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Im about to do my final paper. i've only studied for about 5 hours for the paper so your dua is much appreciated. :russ:

InshaAllah Allah SWT will make it easy for you. Wallahi dua and salat got me through all of my school. I used these before exams back in undergrad

  1. Oh Allah! Make useful for me what you have taught me and teach me knowledge that will be useful to me.
  2. Oh Allah! I ask you for the understanding of the prophets and the memory of the messengers, and those nearest to you.
  3. Oh Allah! Make my tongue full of your remembrance and my heart with awe of you.
  4. Oh Allah! You do whatever you wish, and you are my availer and protector and best of aid.
  5. Oh Allah! I entrust you with what I have read and I have studied. Oh Allah! Bring it back to me when I am in need of it. Oh Allah! You do whatever you wish, you are my availer and protector and the best of aid
  6. Oh Allah! Nothing is easy except what You have made easy. If You wish, You can make the difficult easy.


Veni Vidi Vici
Inshallah You pass. Pray and read Ayatul Kursi and then read over
Drink Water as well, good for circulations!
InshaAllah Allah SWT will make it easy for you. Wallahi dua and salat got me through all of my school. I used these before exams back in undergrad

  1. Oh Allah! Make useful for me what you have taught me and teach me knowledge that will be useful to me.
  2. Oh Allah! I ask you for the understanding of the prophets and the memory of the messengers, and those nearest to you.
  3. Oh Allah! Make my tongue full of your remembrance and my heart with awe of you.
  4. Oh Allah! You do whatever you wish, and you are my availer and protector and best of aid.
  5. Oh Allah! I entrust you with what I have read and I have studied. Oh Allah! Bring it back to me when I am in need of it. Oh Allah! You do whatever you wish, you are my availer and protector and the best of aid
  6. Oh Allah! Nothing is easy except what You have made easy. If You wish, You can make the difficult easy.
Clipped this, may you be rewarded for your effort, brother! @astorecalledkmart
@haramcadd in sha Allah you got this brother

