Prankster “MIZZY” put in his place on TV.Super embarrassing


I tell the truth…go cry about it.
“I’ll drag you out by the hair and you can be as tough as you think you are”

it’s like this fool lives in la la land

I dislike Londoners in general, but I have a burning hatred for London madoows, and some Somalis, in particular. They have this attitute that everywhere outside of a London is a basically a tuulo shithole without even realising that live in utter squalor. Their weird superiority complex is fucking nauseating and hilarious all at the same time wallahi. This ratty little cùnt is that smug "yh my guy, I'm from Laaandon" dickhead attitute personified.

The maddest thing about this whole situation is that a couple of dharbaaxos from his absentee father could nip this in the bud instead of using our tax money to prosecute him:snoop: