Potential signs of a secret deal between Deni and HSM as PL Ministers are seen in Xamar



@warside first the world bank projects being released and now this :hmm: has Deni cut a deal behind closed doors without telling anyone. Been relatively quiet on PL vs FGS affairs


If this is the case, I have finally been vindicated! I’ve always said my preference is Deni buckling and working with FGS when his mucaarad becomes too strong and he is cornered. If Deni signs onto the stuff we need we can give him 10,000 SNA to extend his term and join us in 1m1v elections next November 😂.

Deni is the best of a bad bunch as a former Damuljadiid, southern MJ. His stubbornness over PM pick was unbearable however.

I don’t wanna speak too soon or gloat. I’ve been burned with rumours of talks for a while 😂