Post your feet


There ya go. I'll inbox ya my PayPal account info.
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My feet are disgustingly pale because I wear socks all the time.

You guys might think I am an Arab if I post my feet only. :mjlol:
Acuudka bilaahi

Wat ugly feet ya have

You should be ashamed yourself

You actually put me off my morning breakfast

You now calaso canjaaro can't be put of
My goodness

Put that away
Halimo you are so brave. These men are all scared to show their feet just incase someone they know recongzies their foot :ftw9nwa:

check my video

I send you love peom yesterday
Where the F, have you been

Wat are you cheating on me
or something karbaash baaac

I now we have
Time difrence between ATL and BRS

But it does not give you excuss
Come home to daddy when I say so

Walaahi you be single mother soon
I will divorce you, marry Halimo's ugly feet
