Portuguese sacked more than Barawa

Look up the “The Book of Duarte Barbosa Vol 1”. It starts around page 30. Apparently the Portuguese sacked Brava, Afun, Zeila, and Berbera. Damn the Portuguese got busy! Do ethnic Somalis use the term Brava cause that’s what the Portuguese called the town. The Portuguese also cut off the hands women to get their gold! Evil bastards! Read it for yourselves!


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
Look up the “The Book of Duarte Barbosa Vol 1”. It starts around page 30. Apparently the Portuguese sacked Brava, Afun, Zeila, and Berbera. Damn the Portuguese got busy! Do ethnic Somalis use the term Brava cause that’s what the Portuguese called the town. The Portuguese also cut off the hands women to get their gold! Evil bastards! Read it for yourselves!
Brava, Afum and Mogadaxo etc... I think He's referring to Eritrean towns along the coast of the Red Sea. I have the book in PDF. Or Afum could be Xafuun. Not sure
Brava, Afum and Mogadaxo etc... I think He's referring to Eritrean towns along the coast of the Red Sea. I have the book in PDF. Or Afum could be Xafuun. Not sure

Magadaxo is Mogadishu. Those are all Somali towns.

Look up the “The Book of Duarte Barbosa Vol 1”. It starts around page 30. Apparently the Portuguese sacked Brava, Afun, Zeila, and Berbera. Damn the Portuguese got busy! Do ethnic Somalis use the term Brava cause that’s what the Portuguese called the town. The Portuguese also cut off the hands women to get their gold! Evil bastards! Read it for yourselves!

See Sidney Welch: Portuguese Rule and Spanish Crown in South Africa 1581-1640.

After Mir Ali Bey's first incursion into the Indian Ocean:

page 75: "Rui Lopez Salgado, the new Captain of Malindi, was authorized to use the tributes of Pemba, Brava and other islands of his jurisdiction; in order to maintain trim and armed, a cruiser for patrolling the coast of Guardifui."

page 38: "The viceroy warned the new commandant too observe carefully, in approaching this coast, all the signals devised in the Portuguese network of naval defence, based on a cruiser stationed at Bandel, which is twelve miles from Mogadishu. They worked in conjunction with an Arab intelligence officer named Genis on the island of Brava, who was in constant touch with the Mombasa fort and a naval guard in those waters. Thus the commandant was equipped to prevent any surprises from the Turks from the Red Sea."

Mir Ali was captured within three months of entering the Inidan Ocean the second time and died a Catholic in Lisbon.

Despite what Wikipedia and others have to say, the Portuguese considered the entire East African coast to be their possession, including Mogadishu. The fort and settlement at Bandel, only twelve miles away, are good indicators they were correct.

See also https://www.jstor.org/stable/41409873?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents

You can open a free account to read this, which should startle you..
Magadaxo is Mogadishu. Those are all Somali towns.

See Sidney Welch: Portuguese Rule and Spanish Crown in South Africa 1581-1640.

After Mir Ali Bey's first incursion into the Indian Ocean:

page 75: "Rui Lopez Salgado, the new Captain of Malindi, was authorized to use the tributes of Pemba, Brava and other islands of his jurisdiction; in order to maintain trim and armed, a cruiser for patrolling the coast of Guardifui."

page 38: "The viceroy warned the new commandant too observe carefully, in approaching this coast, all the signals devised in the Portuguese network of naval defence, based on a cruiser stationed at Bandel, which is twelve miles from Mogadishu. They worked in conjunction with an Arab intelligence officer named Genis on the island of Brava, who was in constant touch with the Mombasa fort and a naval guard in those waters. Thus the commandant was equipped to prevent any surprises from the Turks from the Red Sea."

Mir Ali was captured within three months of entering the Inidan Ocean the second time and died a Catholic in Lisbon.

Despite what Wikipedia and others have to say, the Portuguese considered the entire East African coast to be their possession, including Mogadishu. The fort and settlement at Bandel, only twelve miles away, are good indicators they were correct.

See also https://www.jstor.org/stable/41409873?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents

You can open a free account to read this, which should startle you..
Absolutely insane! The “Died a Catholic” part got me.

Samaalic Era

Magadaxo is Mogadishu. Those are all Somali towns.

See Sidney Welch: Portuguese Rule and Spanish Crown in South Africa 1581-1640.

After Mir Ali Bey's first incursion into the Indian Ocean:

page 75: "Rui Lopez Salgado, the new Captain of Malindi, was authorized to use the tributes of Pemba, Brava and other islands of his jurisdiction; in order to maintain trim and armed, a cruiser for patrolling the coast of Guardifui."

page 38: "The viceroy warned the new commandant too observe carefully, in approaching this coast, all the signals devised in the Portuguese network of naval defence, based on a cruiser stationed at Bandel, which is twelve miles from Mogadishu. They worked in conjunction with an Arab intelligence officer named Genis on the island of Brava, who was in constant touch with the Mombasa fort and a naval guard in those waters. Thus the commandant was equipped to prevent any surprises from the Turks from the Red Sea."

Mir Ali was captured within three months of entering the Inidan Ocean the second time and died a Catholic in Lisbon.

Despite what Wikipedia and others have to say, the Portuguese considered the entire East African coast to be their possession, including Mogadishu. The fort and settlement at Bandel, only twelve miles away, are good indicators they were correct.

See also https://www.jstor.org/stable/41409873?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents

You can open a free account to read this, which should startle you..
Don't you ever get tired of lying about Somali history:farmajoyaab:

Baraawe fell temporarily and the Portuguese were driven out of the city. The Portuguese also wanted to attack Mogadishu but the attack was called off due to the losses they incurred during the battle of Baraawe


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Don't you ever get tired of lying about Somali history:farmajoyaab:

Baraawe fell temporarily and the Portuguese were driven out of the city. The Portuguese also wanted to attack Mogadishu but the attack was called off due to the losses they incurred during the battle of Baraawe

You have been reading way too much Wikipedia.
The Portuguese stationed a cruiser and settled at Bandel, twelve miles from Mog.
Don't you ever get tired of lying about Somali history:farmajoyaab:

Baraawe fell temporarily and the Portuguese were driven out of the city. The Portuguese also wanted to attack Mogadishu but the attack was called off due to the losses they incurred during the battle of Baraawe
Dude, how is posting sources “lying”?
Magadaxo is Mogadishu. Those are all Somali towns.

See Sidney Welch: Portuguese Rule and Spanish Crown in South Africa 1581-1640.

After Mir Ali Bey's first incursion into the Indian Ocean:

page 75: "Rui Lopez Salgado, the new Captain of Malindi, was authorized to use the tributes of Pemba, Brava and other islands of his jurisdiction; in order to maintain trim and armed, a cruiser for patrolling the coast of Guardifui."

page 38: "The viceroy warned the new commandant too observe carefully, in approaching this coast, all the signals devised in the Portuguese network of naval defence, based on a cruiser stationed at Bandel, which is twelve miles from Mogadishu. They worked in conjunction with an Arab intelligence officer named Genis on the island of Brava, who was in constant touch with the Mombasa fort and a naval guard in those waters. Thus the commandant was equipped to prevent any surprises from the Turks from the Red Sea."

Mir Ali was captured within three months of entering the Inidan Ocean the second time and died a Catholic in Lisbon.

Despite what Wikipedia and others have to say, the Portuguese considered the entire East African coast to be their possession, including Mogadishu. The fort and settlement at Bandel, only twelve miles away, are good indicators they were correct.

See also https://www.jstor.org/stable/41409873?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents

You can open a free account to read this, which should startle you..


If these claims were true their would be so much more primary evidence such as DNA from the people that live there around those areas and architectural sites that resemble portugal littered across the entire coast. Not to mention linguistics that would have inevitably been exchanged.

The fact that these people claim to have been there for centuries and have settled and repopulated towns but theres nothing to support that other than the words of the beneficiaries is extremely suspicious. Furthermore who removed them if they were truly so powerful what people caused their demise and why is their no record to such an event?

Why is there more of a mark from the italians and British or even French! When those colonialist claimed much less and settled much less than the portugese who are claiming to have resettled an entire town after destroying it and ruled its entire coast for a century.

Where are the graveyards? Where are the churches? Where is the civilizational knowledge(architecture/scripts/language) they would spread in other places they invaded?

Listen ive seen your posts and want you to know in real life Benadiris are not a hated people and what happened in the war to them was because they were in the midst of USC mooriyan not because somalis in general hate them.
If these claims were true their would be so much more primary evidence such as DNA from the people that live there around those areas and architectural sites that resemble portugal littered across the entire coast. Not to mention linguistics that would have inevitably been exchanged.

The fact that these people claim to have been there for centuries and have settled and repopulated towns but theres nothing to support that other than the words of the beneficiaries is extremely suspicious. Furthermore who removed them if they were truly so powerful what people caused their demise and why is their no record to such an event?

Why is there more of a mark from the italians and British or even French! When those colonialist claimed much less and settled much less than the portugese who are claiming to have resettled an entire town after destroying it and ruled its entire coast for a century.

Where are the graveyards? Where are the churches? Where is the civilizational knowledge(architecture/scripts/language) they would spread in other places they invaded?

Listen ive seen your posts and want you to know in real life Benadiris are not a hated people and what happened in the war to them was because they were in the midst of USC mooriyan not because somalis in general hate them.

The Portuguese dominated the coast until the Omanis took Fort Jesus at Mombasa in 1698. 1507-1698, or 1497-1728 (if you use the longest period of Portuguese presence, https://www.mombasa-city.com/history_of_Fort_jesus.htm) is on the order of two hundred years. The Portuguese resettled Baraawe with friendly natives and Arab allies.. All they wanted was trade, control and tribute.

The Portuguese lighthouse at Baraawe:



The Portuguese dominated the coast until the Omanis took Fort Jesus at Mombasa in 1698. 1507-1698, or 1497-1728 (if you use the longest period of Portuguese presence, https://www.mombasa-city.com/history_of_Fort_jesus.htm) is on the order of two hundred years. The Portuguese resettled Baraawe with friendly natives and Arab allies.. All they wanted was trade, control and tribute.

The Portuguese lighthouse at Baraawe:

View attachment 98138
So they were there for 200 years and there isnt a church or a tomb or any writings that survived them or these “omanis” in this entire area where is their genetic footprint on the “friendly” somalis in the area?

How does it make sense that “axumite christian burials” survived thousands of years in somalia but nothing is left behind by these “portugese colonizers” who left only in the 18th century and were there for 2 centuries? Especially considering they left so much behind on the memories of their actual territories?
So they were there for 200 years and there isnt a church or a tomb or any writings that survived them or these “omanis” in this entire area where is their genetic footprint on the “friendly” somalis in the area?

How does it make sense that “axumite christian burials” survived thousands of years in somalia but nothing is left behind by these “portugese colonizers” who left only in the 18th century and were there for 2 centuries? Especially considering they left so much behind on the memories of their actual territories?

You are confusing control with colonization. The Omanis controlled the entire Swahili coast from their single colony on Zanzibar. They had customs houses and small garrisons here and there, but it was their fleet that gave them control.
The main Portuguese colonies were in Goa and Mozambique, while their fleet and alliance with the Sassanids gave them control of the Indian Ocean sea lanes and the trade of the East African coast.
Portugal ruled Goa from 1498 until 1961 and Mozambique from 1515 until 1975. They lost the Swahili coast, including the Banaadir, to the Omanis in 1698-1728.
The Portuguese settled 50 Portuguese families at Bandel during the six years of the Mir Ali Bey crisis, but probably withdrew them after the crisis was past. Like the Omanis, it was the fleet and not colonies that gave them local control.
Look at the histories of Sofala, Kilwa, Mombasa, Malindi, Fort Jesus, etc.
Re-read the instructions given to the Captain of Malindi in my post above.


You are confusing control with colonization. The Omanis controlled the entire Swahili coast from their single colony on Zanzibar. They had customs houses and small garrisons here and there, but it was their fleet that gave them control.
The main Portuguese colonies were in Goa and Mozambique, while their fleet and alliance with the Sassanids gave them control of the Indian Ocean sea lanes and the trade of the East African coast.
Portugal ruled Goa from 1498 until 1961 and Mozambique from 1515 until 1975. They lost the Swahili coast, including the Banaadir, to the Omanis in 1698-1728.
The Portuguese settled 50 Portuguese families at Bandel during the six years of the Mir Ali Bey crisis, but probably withdrew them after the crisis was past. Like the Omanis, it was the fleet and not colonies that gave them local control.
Look at the histories of Sofala, Kilwa, Mombasa, Malindi, Fort Jesus, etc.
Re-read the instructions given to the Captain of Malindi in my post above.
Your talking about a 200 year occupation, you think their would be more evidence than small portugese writings claiming outposts or control but hey if you feel satisfied thats you.

