Pompeo Family Matters

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He is right about that, if u can't manage your family bro you ain't managing anything wider. He has a history in the military though but it depends if he knows the purpose of the military like MATTIS, he does know sxb it aint long term tool, but he has gone through the military the question is what side of it did he come out? does he know you need other things?

But the guy looks stable though inside the home, lets see how he translates it. Two types come out of military bro, one who thinks it's the only way and can't think beyond it and another who knows when it's useful and limitation. That's why some come transition into great leaders and others can't. Plus their highly moral we have to be honest about that, they see ppl dying I guess, so corruption and loyalty is paramount to them.

So yeah their is two types, those who can't think beyond the military and those who knows where it fits into the whole scheme of things and where it's useful and useless. Like that Haley, I can't see that in her. Pompeo, I think has it plus born in california lol.

The only thing that is unknown about pompeo isn't some genetic defect, personal history, track record. Everything looks ok with this guy, it's now just his plan nothing else. 90% fail around things regardless of their plan.
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