Polygamy is not mandatory in Islam


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
It is rare in Somalis. Personally never met one, only heard memes about their existence.

Come to think of it... Despite how much I hear of it and it's blown up online I've never physically met a Somali man with multiple wives at once. Divorcess with their second or third wife, sure but I've never met an oday with 2-4 wives. Not as common as it is made to seem, me thinks.
Come to think of it... Despite how much I hear of it and it's blown up online I've never physically met a Somali man with multiple wives at once. Divorcess with their second or third wife, sure but I've never met an oday with 2-4 wives. Not as common as it is made to seem, me thinks.

Thats because their polygamous marriages never seem to work out. I know multiple older women whose husband's have married again behind their backs.

I'm beginning to think its a right of passage for middle aged Somali men, low income and high funnily enough.


I agree polygamy isn't mandatory but more importantly it's not meant for broke men. And yes it is Sunnah since the Prophet (pbuh) practiced polygamy. Stop it with the lies and just say you're broke with your chest. No shame in being realistic with yourself but don't project it onto all of us lol
I agree polygamy isn't mandatory but more importantly it's not meant for broke men. And yes it is Sunnah since the Prophet (pbuh) practiced polygamy. Stop it with the lies and just say you're broke with your chest. No shame in being realistic with yourself but don't project it onto all of us lol

for me, Polygamy in Islam is not anything, it just exist, like many things. Polygamy is a failure in most cases. and not practical, unless to prevent fatherless children. The Prophet (pbuh) case is different.