Pod-Cast - Dr Osman Views On Somaliland


Waiting for their response

Im waiting also for the trannies



I gave up after 15 seconds


This is you leelkase boy, throwing your shoe at me, as u hate what I said, some of it holds fundamental truths that is against your 'facade somalinimo is 1 and let's all get along nonsensical dream' where-as MJ policies are real and practical such as 'waa la wada degaya in hamar(capital) iyo waa la kala degaya(state rights so we don't have to collapse with the capital)!!!

The points I raised are Simple, regarding these SNM thugs

1. SL was formed thru blood-shed attacking awdal,sool, sanag. PL was formed under a Tree, blood-less

2. SNM teach Isaaq, Somali govt killed you but I say why don't they also teach them SNM violated Somalia territory and sovereignity and were doing hit n runs on govt posts from neighborhoods. Imagine bush apologizing for invading afghanistan after he told them if u harbor terrorists, u will pay the price. SL harbored and assisted SNM to attack the national govt.

3. It is the govt duty to protect it's sovereignity and territorial integrity from domestic or foreign enemies, siyad was doing his job and the SNM thugs who started the battle are given hero status in SL and even in Mogadishu

So don't sit there leelkase boy with your constant hate of Majerten politics, answer our points or take a seat mate


First point Kosovo has just declared secession unilaterally

Yugoslavia was not a member state in the UN with chartered rights that enshrine the territorial unity of it's jurisdiction, not comparable in any way, Somalia is balkanized at an internal level, how-ever at an external level, it's member status is still respected unlike Yugoslavia. Anyways I look forward to your response against my charges on SL..
On top of that Somaliland has a legal case. It’s not against UN or AU law. Somalia can’t provide a deed to the land which they either got from the colonial power who used to rule the land or from which they have a treaty of union where both parliaments from both countries ratify it.
Yugoslavia was not a member state in the UN with chartered rights that enshrine the territorial unity of it's jurisdiction, not comparable, Somalia is balkanized at internal level, not at an external level like Yugoslavia. But give me a pod-cast and respond to me if I am wrong.
Kosovo didn’t seceed from Yugoslavia. It seceded from Serbia unilaterally.


Kosovo didn’t seceed from Yugoslavia. It seceded from Serbia unilaterally.

Serbia was a transitional government, it's borders or jurisdictions were not permanent and the reason is when Yugoslavia lost it's member status, this allowed for it's jurisdiction to be carved up again without violating interntional law on member states. SL is trying to get the world to recognize it by violating Somalia jurisdiction and this will lead to a shit-fest legal problem because every member state in the UN will now have no trust in international law to protect it's sovereignity.

Come at me with some better shit then this, u can't get around the fact member states of the UN have charted rights and that includes respecting their sovereignity as defined by the UN not defined by some nonsensical legal treaty or document that isn't here today.
Serbia was a transitional government, it's borders or jurisdictions were not permanent and the reason is when Yugoslavia lost it's member status, this allowed for it's jurisdiction to be carved up again without violating interntional law on member states. SL is trying to get the world to recognize it by violating Somalia jurisdiction and this will lead to a shit-fest legal problem because every member state in the UN will now have no trust in international law to protect it's sovereignity.

Come at me with some better shit then this, u can't get around the fact member states of the UN have charted rights and that includes respecting their sovereignity as defined by the UN not defined by some nonsensical legal treaty or document that isn't here today.
You’re just making shit up. Serbia was a UN recognised country with defined international borders. Kosovo unilaterally seceded. Somalia has no legal case of sovereignty over Somaliland. Somalia would lose a case in the ICJ even worse than Kosovo did. Kosovo won its case based on unilateral serf determination not being illegal. Somaliland would win based on Somalia having no legal claim. The reason this has dragged on for so long is somalia has been a failed state with multiple faction controlling it for so long. Somalia will not come of the UN mandate until all sides agree on a constitution that is cemented through a referendum. Somaliland has broken free and is gaining the Taiwan status from now. Our economy won’t be held back by Somalia anymore. When you guys are ready to negotiate we will till then we are not the ones that need a removal of arms embargo.
@DR OSMAN you really admire Somaliland. You should make a podcast giving props and keeping it real. Now with our new friend Taiwan we are on route to becoming on the level of the Asian tigers.