PM Rooble to take all Somalia's Federal States to Saudia Arabia State Visit Consultation to elect the incoming Government post Farmaajo;

Dowladda Sacuudiga oo u yeertay ROOBLE iyo madax goboleedyada dalka + Sababta


Dowladda Sacuudiga oo u yeertay ROOBLE iyo madax goboleedyada dalka + Sababta

Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Boqortooyada Sacuudi Carabiya ayaa casuumaad rasmi ah u fidisay golaha wada-tashiga qaranka, gaar ahaan ra’iisul wasaaraha xukuumadda Soomaaliya iyo madaxda dowlad goboleedyada dalka, sida ay shaaciyeen ilo wareedyo lagu kalsoonyahay.
Wararka ayaa sheegaya in maalmaha soo aadan Rooble iyo shanta hoggaamiye goboleed ee dalka ay tegi doonaan magaalada Riyadh ee caasimadda wadanka Boqortooyada Sacuudi Carabiya, halkaas oo ay wada-hadallo kula galayaan madaxda sare ee dalkaasi.
Sida ay ogaatay Caasimada Online socdaalka wafdigan culus ayaa salka ku haya arrimo la xiriira xoojinta xirriirka Soomaaliya iyo Sacuudiga oo hooseeyey sanadiihii dambe.
Rooble ayaa haatan ku maqan dalka Masar, halka madaxda maamul goboleedyada ay ku soo wajahan yihiin magaalada Muqdisho oo ay uga qeyb-galayaan shir ku saabsan arrimaha doorashooyinka dalka, walow uu maanta dib u dhac ku yimid shirkaasi.

Safarka ayaa soo shaac baxday, xilli xasaasi ah, isla-markaana xukuumadda xil-gaarsiinta ay ku howlaneyd arrimaha doorashooyinka iyo xoojinta xiriirka dibadda, waxaana wafdi ka socda xukuumadda oo uu horkacayo Rooble ay booqasho ku kala tageen Nairobi & Qaahira.
Sacuudiga ayaa la sheegay inuu qorshe weyn ka damacsan-yahay casuumadda Rooble iyo madax goboleedyada, maadaamna doorasho la galayo, waxaana tani oo kale ay dhacday sanadkii 2016, kadib markii dowladda Imaaraadka Carabta ay casuumaad wadajir ah u sameeysay madaxdii maamul goboleedyada ee xilligaas, waxayna kala hadsashay arrimaha doorashooyinka ee markaasi iyo sidoo kale in is-bedal laga sameeyo doorashadii 2017-kii.


I do something called "what I want"
I’m confused, why are they going to Saudi Arabia to elect a new president? What does Saudi Arabia have to do with this?


I’m confused, why are they going to Saudi Arabia to elect a new president? What does Saudi Arabia have to do with this?
We need the funding for the election and Saudi Arabia need to get rid of Farmaajo. They’ll I’m sure smooth the process in doing so and back the strongest candidate. I have a sneaky feeling Deni is doing cartwheels 😂
We need the funding for the election and Saudi Arabia need to get rid of Farmaajo. They’ll I’m sure smooth the process in doing so and back the strongest candidate. I have a sneaky feeling Deni is doing cartwheels 😂

Deni will be the new president..

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
well this is progress. instead of the serving political elite traveling to different capitals to receive funding for their shot in politics. they all go togheter to one foreign city, all inclusieve too. inshallah we will get through these unstable times and achieve national security soon.
Since PM is in Saudi Arabia he should speak about Saudi Arabia detention of Somalis there where they spend hours In detention without food and water.


Somali, is a race
Its one step better than running to itobiya or kenya. I would rather involve those who call themselves Muslim our affairs than Non Muslims whose goal is to see all Somalis in perpetual chaos and violence.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Good move Rooble he is setting them up to a trap and ruining their image. Saudi is funding AS and their idealogy lol, so stupid.

Qatar and Turkey are our real allies.


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