PM Kheyr visits jaalle Siyaad Barre military institute

Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya, Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa xerada tababarka Gen. Gordan iyo Kulyadda Jaalla Siyaad ku booqday ciidamo ka tirsan xoogga dalka oo loo diyaarinayo howl-gallo Al-Shabaab looga saaray deegaanada ay weli maamulaan.

Kheyre ayaa sheegay in dowladdu dardar gelineyso tayeynta, qalabeynta iyo dib-u-habeynta ciidamada qalabka sida.

Ciidamada, macallimiinta iyo saraakiisha hoggaamisa ayuu Ra’iisul Wasaaruhu uga mahad-celiyay dadaalladooda naf-hurnimada ah ee ay ku badbaadinayaan dhiigga iyo hantida ummadda Soomaaliyeed, waxa uuna kula dardaarmay in ay dowr firfircnoon ka qaataan howl-gallada shacabka Soomaaliyeed looga dul qaadayo dhibaatada.

Ra’iisul Wasaare Xasan Cali Khayre oo ciidanka ugu tegay ku dhiiri-gelinta shaqada ay qaranka u hayaan, in uu ogaado baahida qalab ee ay qabaan iyo in uu la dardaarmo, ayaa ciidamada u caddeeyay in dowladdu muhiimadda koowaad siineyso bixinta iyo hagaajinta xuquuqda ciidanku ay ku leeyihiin qaranka Soomaaliyeed.

Dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya oo ciidanka ku samaysay dib-u-habayn ballaaran ayaa wada qorsha dalka looga xoraynayo kooxaha argagaxisada ah, arrintaas oo qayb wayn ka ah halbeegyada tubta amniga iyo hannaanka ciidamada Soomaaliyeed ay ula wareegayaan mas’uuliyadda dalka.


Soon to be a camp for displaced Marehan when Farmaajo gets kicked out.

Like "Guulwade" in Kismaayo.

"Spare some land sir"? @Lex Luther

These folks mx waa miskeenow oo doqomo, once Xarmaajo leaves office soon the reality will hit them hard, that they are folks without land and prestige, so no matter how much they beg Hawiye for acceptance they will never be one of us, it's for that reason that they depend on Farmaajo for existential reasons

They are the only people who always capitalize/booli qaran on the government.
These folks mx waa miskeenow oo doqomo, once Xarmaajo leaves office soon the reality will hit them hard, that they are folks without land and prestige, so no matter how much they beg Hawiye for acceptance they will never be one of us, it's for that reason that they depend on Farmaajo for existential reasons

They are the only people who always capitalize/booli qaran on the government.

Your caydiid was a miskeen which is why he got shot in the head. That's what I call lamaooyaan. Your abdishakur got his arm broken and his fellow iljeex shot up. That's lamaooyaan. We caught caydiid second hand man and did him dirty. Thats lamaooyaan. We don't know you habar dugaag boy your irrelevant and looking for attention. We will build whatever we want for you and you will be grateful, Murursade is our Prime Minister so you better take your orders and shut your mouth like your uncle Xaaf and in mogadishu your folks know if you chimp out it will be 2006/07 all over again. More habar dugaag in ceelasha biyaha.

Know yourself kid.
Soon to be a camp for displaced Marehan when Farmaajo gets kicked out.

Like "Guulwade" in Kismaayo.

"Spare some land sir"? @Lex Luther

Huuno waa lagu haysta in kismaayo, we are a significant population within the city and we graze our camels right outside of the city. It's in your long-term best interest to stay in your lane as a shacab. Omar Jess and Muj. Hiraale definitely knew how to keep y'all in check.
Your caydiid was a miskeen which is why he got shot in the head. That's what I call lamaooyaan. Your abdishakur got his arm broken and his fellow iljeex shot up. That's lamaooyaan. We caught caydiid second hand man and did him dirty. Thats lamaooyaan. We don't know you habar dugaag boy your irrelevant and looking for attention. We will build whatever we want for you and you will be grateful, Murursade is our Prime Minister so you better take your orders and shut your mouth like your uncle Xaaf and in mogadishu your folks know if you chimp out it will be 2006/07 all over again. More habar dugaag in ceelasha biyaha.

Know yourself kid.

bla,bla iyo more bla, thats what i'm hearing from you bo0n folks, walahi its disgraceful.

Real talk yaa bo0ns, stop begging us Hawiye for acceptance, ceeb caleyk you aint one of us, so go back to Gedo.
These folks mx waa miskeenow oo doqomo, once Xarmaajo leaves office soon the reality will hit them hard, that they are folks without land and prestige, so no matter how much they beg Hawiye for acceptance they will never be one of us, it's for that reason that they depend on Farmaajo for existential reasons

They are the only people who always capitalize/booli qaran on the government.

How does Hawiye feel about his qabiilist kacaan antics


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