PM Hamze Barre visits Liido beach







The PM and leaders of HS, JL and GM had a stroll on Liido beach with hundreds of shacab present.

Xamar safe waye

ogaadeen siyaasad bartay majerteen duurka u diray , ileen daroodka la sheego oo somalinimo wax ka yaqaan calanka buluuga taagersan waa ogaden, dhulbahante iyo leelkase


Majeerteen xaa meesha keenay eebow we have nothing to do with mogadishu shenanigans
You are very well represented in FGS, Abdiweli pill popper gaas is soon the be named UN amb. for Somalia. SNA infantry commander, interior minister and countless other positions

Deni is dowlad diid and in his most recent speech he said 'few people in Xamar agreeing on something doesn't mean anything' I'm paraphrasing but he alienated 4 FMS presidents

:heh: @DR OSMAN you will forever be mucaarad because no mj will ever get near Villa Somalia if Deni is the best you have to offer :mjlaugh: ma jirantahiin he would be chased out of Xamar within a year :dead1: lets not lie, I even know mj has better politicians than deni sambac
It’s nice to see them all together.

Without anti corruption or independent commission composed of vetted individuals to oversee the elections. Deni still has a case.


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