PL Wasn't Created By Academic Elites


This might shock and upset lots of Puntlanders, but PL itself was a creation of our 'lower classes' of elites not our high elites at all. I can see why this happened. It was 97 and everyone returned from failed Cairo Conference where two hawiye were elected president/pm indicating this is a clan project not nation state project.

Have you seen the people who were in attendance at PL state building conference, they surely were not the 'elites' who had big names in Somalia, they were more like the 'mid-tier and lower tier' elites who came together and asked the ISIMO to support this project of PL creation. If I was there in 98, I honestly can't picture myself attending either such a new grand project and shifting away from the 1 Somalia dream that all our elites were working on.

My father never attended either and he was far higher in status then Farole as an elite of PL, he was still fixated on the Hamar project. Imagine how many other Puntlanders were still fixated on Hamar and centralism at the time? I would say by far 80% were. What came together in Garowe 98 was 'Jabhads' or SSDF-USP-SSDU, it was a militant envisioned project there is no denying that with Abdillahi Yusuf kick-starting it.

He invited all Puntland elites to attend but it seems the only ones who did attend were themselves not our 'creme la crop' so to speak, I mean look at the conference and you won't see any big name Majerten there. Is there any denying this? You won't see Abdirazaq Haji Hussein type elites at all, you will see Farole type elites. There is huge damn difference.

Anyways this shows you something special about PL, we don't even need our elites and our lower class people can create something from nothing, so let this serve as a warning to our elites who may feel comfortable about they're positions in society, no-one is going to sit there waiting for you anymore if it is against the will of the people. Iyaga tashan doono reer puntland. That's why from day 1 till now PL has been said to be engine and brain-child of the LOCALS and not so much the diaspora at all.


PL was an urgent reactionary project to the CAIRO failed conference with 2 hawiye being elected President. It was convened in a short-time period. It was heavily militant itself with SSDF-USP-SSDU representing the three main armed clans of PL which are MJ-Dhulos-Warsan-Leelkase. They seem to gather up the ISIMO to bless the project or give it they're approval. They did invite our academic elite to participate but for some ungodly reason at the time, none attended.

They relied solely on the lower-tier elites of Old Somalia and the local academics in the nation at the time to assist in creating the structures of the state. What do u guys say about PL formation in 98. I say it was rushed, reactionary to cairo conference, not many of our renowned academics even bothered attending thinking things will fly over and cooler heads will return back to the centralism project of Somalia. I can see why the state is struggling to achieve good governance till today, since it wasn't the brain child of our academic but our rebel groups.


Our academic elites have truly failed us. Besides Shuuke who created our education system foundation only to the level of primary/secondary education with Juxa refining it and unifying it and ensuring quality assurance of curriculum.

Other then that, our academics have done nothing else. The mandate of the government still seems to follow from the SSDF-USP-SSDU foundations of a security focus only to keep Puntland at peace. It's not really about good governance whatsoever. That's why PL is still stuck in the era of 'security' constantly from the day it was born till now, it hasn't moved past this phase which is indicative the state intentions must of been security only and not so much anything else. A place to rest and recover while we wait for the REAL SOMALIA to return.

I don't see a real Somalia returning anytime soon, so I am not sure why the academics are not participating to end the security phase of PL and head us into good governance stage and leaving behind strong institutions not STRONG MEN


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
This might shock and upset lots of Puntlanders, but PL itself was a creation of our 'lower classes' of elites not our high elites at all. I can see why this happened. It was 97 and everyone returned from failed Cairo Conference where two hawiye were elected president/pm indicating this is a clan project not nation state project.

Have you seen the people who were in attendance at PL state building conference, they surely were not the 'elites' who had big names in Somalia, they were more like the 'mid-tier and lower tier' elites who came together and asked the ISIMO to support this project of PL creation. If I was there in 98, I honestly can't picture myself attending either such a new grand project and shifting away from the 1 Somalia dream that all our elites were working on.

My father never attended either and he was far higher in status then Farole as an elite of PL, he was still fixated on the Hamar project. Imagine how many other Puntlanders were still fixated on Hamar and centralism at the time? I would say by far 80% were. What came together in Garowe 98 was 'Jabhads' or SSDF-USP-SSDU, it was a militant envisioned project there is no denying that with Abdillahi Yusuf kick-starting it.

He invited all Puntland elites to attend but it seems the only ones who did attend were themselves not our 'creme la crop' so to speak, I mean look at the conference and you won't see any big name Majerten there. Is there any denying this? You won't see Abdirazaq Haji Hussein type elites at all, you will see Farole type elites. There is huge damn difference.

Anyways this shows you something special about PL, we don't even need our elites and our lower class people can create something from nothing, so let this serve as a warning to our elites who may feel comfortable about they're positions in society, no-one is going to sit there waiting for you anymore if it is against the will of the people. Iyaga tashan doono reer puntland. That's why from day 1 till now PL has been said to be engine and brain-child of the LOCALS and not so much the diaspora at all.
You are wrong there were all the heavy weights involved in the creation of puntland boqor cabdullahi muuse boqor iyo islaan ciise father iyo islaan bashir father.


You are wrong there were all the heavy weights involved in the creation of puntland boqor cabdullahi muuse boqor iyo islaan ciise father iyo islaan bashir father.

I mean our civil society and academics were clearly not present in this state formation. I don't deny the ISIMO were there and gave they're approval to the conference, I made that clear early on. I just do not see the likes of Abdirazaq Haji Hussein or the likes Maxamed Abshir returning to build up our Police Force or something like that.

I don't see where our academics are who specialized in Somalia Ministry of Finance and creating a strong ministry following well defined processes and procedures and not daily or yearly reactionary taxation systems. I don't see our diplomats returning and opening up PL to new friendships based on old diplomats who were friends with the nation they were working at.

We lack our own central bank, how can you control an economy if your not controlling the currency being used to trade. The currency is what is used to purchase, sell, trade in PL goods and products. As a government it's paramount this is a function of the state since it can cause terrible collapse if it's not controlled from the government.

Like my father has heaps of chinese ex govt official friends who could've opened up many doors for Puntland in China since they respected my father they will respect his advice on PL. None of that happened. There were thousands of these types of elite in all fields of society during 69-91, none of them bothered really attended PL 98 conference and to deny this, your in day-dreams.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I mean our civil society and academics were clearly not present in this state formation. I don't deny the ISIMO were there and gave they're approval to the conference, I made that clear early on. I just do not see the likes of Abdirazaq Haji Hussein or the likes Maxamed Abshir returning to build up our Police Force or something like that.

I don't see where our academics are who specialized in Somalia Ministry of Finance and creating a strong ministry following well defined processes and procedures and not daily or yearly reactionary taxation systems. I don't see our diplomats returning and opening up PL to new friendships based on old diplomats who were friends with the nation they were working at.

We lack our own central bank, how can you control an economy if your not controlling the currency being used to trade. The currency is what is used to purchase, sell, trade in PL goods and products. As a government it's paramount this is a function of the state since it can cause terrible collapse if it's not controlled from the government.

Like my father has heaps of chinese ex govt official friends who could've opened up many doors for Puntland in China since they respected my father they will respect his advice on PL. None of that happened. There were thousands of these types of elite in all fields of society during 69-91, none of them bothered really attended PL 98 conference and to deny this, your in day-dreams.
The sheikhs run the finiance of puntland and they are against usury their word is final.

Dont forget at the time of puntland creation there was a civil war in somalia so boog iyo qalin wielding men cant survive in that sort of atmosphere thats why puntland first leaders were generals not intellectuals.

Besides what good is an intellectual during a time of war will he lecture the troops about Socrates :chrisfreshhah:

Boowe nin dagaalamo oo xabaada rido karo ba laa rabaa rambo type f*ck an Einstein you cant use algebra against a bullet


The sheikhs run the finiance of puntland and they are against usury their word is final.

Dont forget at the time of puntland creation there was a civil war in somalia so boog iyo qalin wielding men cant survive in that sort of atmosphere thats why puntland first leaders were generals not intellectuals.

Besides what good is an intellectual during a time of war will he lecture the troops about Socrates :chrisfreshhah:

Boowe nin dagaalamo oo xabaada rido karo ba laa rabaa rambo type f*ck an Einstein you cant use algebra against a bullet

These Islamic nut-cases that u mention running our economic lifelines possibly has some truth to it, especially in Bosaso. But it came after they got they're asses handed to them in galgala 93 by SSDF, the local puntlanders were told to pursue peaceful economic activities, which they did. They realized Islamism was a bad time and they ruined themselves by bringing Hawiye. To be quite honest even if the prophet returned today and hawiye with him, I don't believe Islam would be accepted in PL.

You need to choose your allies carefully, you can't implement your shariah law with Hawiye allies, we Secularists will use this against you and call on puntites to see the hawiye futo madoobe that u work for, you will be called kastumo hawiye, which will ruin your policy agenda of political islam in PL. That's why you failed in 93, you chose the wrong friends in your islam project. That's why you will fail again and fail constantly, cause you need to have no hawiye contact for your Islam to be even entertained.

But you can't do that since this is a 'brotherhood' thing right? which means hawiye is allowed to join, well you go right ahead, we will continuously use that against you and ensure all Puntlanders rise up to kick your Islamist ass out again.

As for Ribah, why are you carrying American dollars in Somalia? the market is 'dollarized' in Somalia since you fail to manage your currency in fear of RIBAH, sorry to tell you buddy but your already eating ribah since american dollar is printed in america and ribah is set by the government of america on the supply of money to banks each year based which they calculate on 'ribah' for that year and how much growth they intend for they're economy and how much currency they need to support that growth for that year. There is no point having 1 million dollar worth of currency, when your expecting 1 billion dollar worth of activities in your economy.

But never forget, even if you don't do ribah, all those sadaqo agencies collect they're money thru begging businesses and locals and governments to give them ribah money which they use to feed you. I think u lack an understanding of ribah if you did you would know as long as you use any currency your in ribah since currency is a govt function and govt use ribah to control the currency be it upwards or downwards. Do u understand what 'interest' means? it means 'adding or removing' capital from your economy, that is what it literally means, it's about either supplying more money to your banks or supplying less money to your banks and they use projected growth or decline in your economy to determine how much currency you need in a given financial year so your people can continue to do business.


The fear of ribah in Somalia and the general muslim world is due to 'ignorance' of Ribah, they barely understand it. They think it's making money from money or making a profit from a loan. It's got nothing to do with that at a government level it's ensuring you have enough currency stored in private banks which are 'registered' to the government to ensure smooth business activities. You can't trade in a country where there is no currency, how you going to buy things? you going to swap your car for a loaf of bread? it doesn't work sxb, you need currency to ensure you buy something for what it is worth, rather then swapping one good for another good when those items may not be equal in worth. Currency facilitates this and it's the greatest idea in mankind.

I ain't swapping my car that is 20k in value in order to buy a damn goat from you? I prefer to buy th goat using a currency based on what that goat is worth, I will sell my car and break down my 20k currency and give you only $100 dollars for your goat, since that's all it's market value is.

You prefer to gain stuff in haram way you muslims that's why u don't have working currencies, you want to get rich in one day using quran tactics or oil selling, nah broski, science and observation and showing people the truth wins people not verses u quote from quran. U need to work hard for centuries like the western world waryaa, stop this gulf arab mentality of getting rich in one day with black gold, this is lazy man way out.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
These Islamic nut-cases that u mention running our economic lifelines possibly has some truth to it, especially in Bosaso. But it came after they got they're asses handed to them in galgala 93 by SSDF, the local puntlanders were told to pursue peaceful economic activities, which they did. They realized Islamism was a bad time and they ruined themselves by bringing Hawiye. To be quite honest even if the prophet returned today and hawiye with him, I don't believe Islam would be accepted in PL.

You need to choose your allies carefully, you can't implement your shariah law with Hawiye allies, we Secularists will use this against you and call on puntites to see the hawiye futo madoobe that u work for, you will be called kastumo hawiye, which will ruin your policy agenda of political islam in PL. That's why you failed in 93, you chose the wrong friends in your islam project. That's why you will fail again and fail constantly, cause you need to have no hawiye contact for your Islam to be even entertained.

But you can't do that since this is a 'brotherhood' thing right? which means hawiye is allowed to join, well you go right ahead, we will continuously use that against you and ensure all Puntlanders rise up to kick your Islamist ass out again.

As for Ribah, why are you carrying American dollars in Somalia? the market is 'dollarized' in Somalia since you fail to manage your currency in fear of RIBAH, sorry to tell you buddy but your already eating ribah since american dollar is printed in america and ribah is set by the government of america on the supply of money to banks each year based which they calculate on 'ribah' for that year and how much growth they intend for they're economy and how much currency they need to support that growth for that year. There is no point having 1 million dollar worth of currency, when your expecting 1 billion dollar worth of activities in your economy.

But never forget, even if you don't do ribah, all those sadaqo agencies collect they're money thru begging businesses and locals and governments to give them ribah money which they use to feed you. I think u lack an understanding of ribah if you did you would know as long as you use any currency your in ribah since currency is a govt function and govt use ribah to control the currency be it upwards or downwards. Do u understand what 'interest' means? it means 'adding or removing' capital from your economy, that is what it literally means, it's about either supplying more money to your banks or supplying less money to your banks and they use projected growth or decline in your economy to determine how much currency you need in a given financial year so your people can continue to do business.
The only people in puntland who use the bank is the government of puntland boowe shacabka all use xawaalada and guess who owns most xawaalada? Boowe dhad deenta illahay ku xiraan

In the west ribah is inevitable due to the whole system being based on fiat currency and due to fractional resevered banking which is usury based.

For every dollar or pound printed by the private bank has a certain percentage of usury from its conception cause the federal reserve in the United States is not federally own its a private entity which lends money created from thin air to the government while charging interest that taxpayers pick up the tab for thats why today the world sole superpower the United States is indebted by over 25 trillion dollars money the USA taxpayers will never be able to repay they are effectively debt slaves.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The fear of ribah in Somalia and the general muslim world is due to 'ignorance' of Ribah, they barely understand it. They think it's making money from money or making a profit from a loan. It's got nothing to do with that at a government level it's ensuring you have enough currency stored in private banks which are 'registered' to the government to ensure smooth business activities. You can't trade in a country where there is no currency, how you going to buy things? you going to swap your car for a loaf of bread? it doesn't work sxb, you need currency to ensure you buy something for what it is worth, rather then swapping one good for another good when those items may not be equal in worth. Currency facilitates this and it's the greatest idea in mankind.

I ain't swapping my car that is 20k in value in order to buy a damn goat from you? I prefer to buy th goat using a currency based on what that goat is worth, I will sell my car and break down my 20k currency and give you only $100 dollars for your goat, since that's all it's market value is.

You prefer to gain stuff in haram way you muslims that's why u don't have working currencies, you want to get rich in one day using quran tactics or oil selling, nah broski, science and observation and showing people the truth wins people not verses u quote from quran. U need to work hard for centuries like the western world waryaa, stop this gulf arab mentality of getting rich in one day with black gold, this is lazy man way out.

The United States civilians are effectively debt slaves they owe money to private banks which they will never be able to repay


Meanwhile somalia which is amongst the world poorest nations is indebted by under 5 billion


So my question to you is who’s worst off? Personally I rather be poor and debt free than to live in a facade of wealth and opulence while being a debt slave.


The only people in puntland who use the bank is the government of puntland boowe shacabka all use xawaalada and guess who owns most xawaalada? Boowe dhad deenta illahay ku xiraan

In the west ribah is inevitable due to the whole system being based on fiat currency and due to fractional resevered banking which is usury based.

For every dollar or pound printed by the private bank has a certain percentage of usury from its conception cause the federal reserve in the United States is not federally own its a private entity which lends money created from thin air to the government while charging interest that taxpayers pick up the tab for thats why today the world sole superpower the United States is indebted by over 25 trillion dollars money the USA taxpayers will never be able to repay they are effectively debt slaves.

Then why are using currency of the dollar? If it wasn't ribah, it would've died out as a currency due to lack of management of your own shitty shilling currency. You think the shilling died out thru a miracle, it lacked a govt to print it, regulate it, and list private banks to the govt to get licenses. Thru this the economy can be managed thru 4-5 banks in private sectors all waiting for they're currency to be delivered to them each morning in 'monthly' portions based on the interest rate set by govt for that financial year.

The fact you use the dollar and is printed from America and controlled by the govt thru interest rate of the reserve bank, which u bragged how u use that in hawala, your basically dealing with it anyways, might as well print it and manage your own ribah currency, rather then be hostage to america's. At least you admited involvement of ribah is beyond any man's control, since the world is globalized, the arabs pay u in ribah also using USD standard for your livestock, what is scary is u prefer ribah charities, where the f*ck do they source they're currency? it's from the western world since they're currency has VALUE to buy things due to good white man management. While your currency even the charities purchased it no-one would allow you to buy with shilling somali, cuz your a fkn xoolo low iq pig who can't manage his own economy.

U just dependent aid rat, that aid is ribah based since it uses the dollar it hands to your poor people. Why be on the poor end of ribah thru sadaqo when u can be on the top end, in islam it's all the same the one who eats it as a salary or the one who performs in the loan. Even if you work for a company that started in ribah loan thru the bank, the salary u recieve is haram in islam, since your eating ribah. Basically all Somalis would have to stop working in the west or anywhere in the world where the government controls it's currency.

You must control the trade in your country, the only way to do it is thru currency. You can't manage the goods and products, there is to many to manage and that is left to supply/demand mechanism to determine the worth of the good or services anyways. But currency isn't supply/demand, it's a FUCKIN SCIENCE, it needs careful formulas and estimations of your trade activities each year as your market begins to grow in activities that require currency.


View attachment 79825

The United States civilians are effectively debt slaves they owe money to private banks which they will never be able to repay

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Meanwhile somalia which is amongst the world poorest nations is indebted by under 5 billion

View attachment 79826

So my question to you is who’s worst off? Personally I rather be poor and debt free than to live in a facade of wealth and opulence while being a debt slave.

I prefer debt and paying it off over 30 years, then live hand to mouth like you on sadaqo NGO which use the same ribah money your running away from. U might as well go into debt. Some debt is good debt. If I have debt on 500k House, that is not really bad debt at all since if I sell the house, I can clear my debt. I am developing assets for my kids to have in the future, while all u pass to your kids is living on charities and ngo, your generation of kids never change, my generation kids start to dhaxal properties after propeties each generation.

You can't compare the superior white man to the Poor Somali Man who has 68 IQ, it clearly shows you in your brain also that u prefer you and your descendants forever lining up at charities and NGO eating ribah money thru 'hand outs'. It reminds me of the saying of the fisherman, you can either teach them to fish or feed them fish. U prefer being fed the fish constantly while not taking a loan and buying the equipment to fish and be self independent, even though u may be in debt for a few years till you pay off the loan, but at least your self employed individual, your not living day to day waiting for someone to feed you like that basket case in Somalia. The reason it's basket case is because there is no FKN BANKS, NO LOANING, NO CURRENCY PLANNING OR CONTROL, NO NOTHING. THEY LIVE LIKE XOOLOS


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Then why are using currency of the dollar? If it wasn't ribah, it would've died out as a currency due to lack of management of your own shitty shilling currency. You think the shilling died out thru a miracle, it lacked a govt to print it, regulate it, and list private banks to the govt to get licenses. Thru this the economy can be managed thru 4-5 banks in private sectors all waiting for they're currency to be delivered to them each morning in 'monthly' portions based on the interest rate set by govt for that financial year.

The fact you use the dollar and is printed from America and controlled by the govt thru interest rate of the reserve bank, which u bragged how u use that in hawala, your basically dealing with it anyways, might as well print it and manage your own ribah currency, rather then be hostage to america's. At least you admited involvement of ribah is beyond any man's control, since the world is globalized, the arabs pay u in ribah also using USD standard for your livestock, what is scary is u prefer ribah charities, where the f*ck do they source they're currency? it's from the western world since they're currency has VALUE to buy things due to good white man management. While your currency even the charities purchased it no-one would allow you to buy with shilling somali, cuz your a fkn xoolo low iq pig who can't manage his own economy.

U just dependent aid rat, that aid is ribah based since it uses the dollar it hands to your poor people. Why be on the poor end of ribah thru sadaqo when u can be on the top end, in islam it's all the same the one who eats it as a salary or the one who performs in the loan. Even if you work for a company that started in ribah loan thru the bank, the salary u recieve is haram in islam, since your eating ribah. Basically all Somalis would have to stop working in the west or anywhere in the world where the government controls it's currency.

You must control the trade in your country, the only way to do it is thru currency. You can't manage the goods and products, there is to many to manage and that is left to supply/demand mechanism to determine the worth of the good or services anyways. But currency isn't supply/demand, it's a FUCKIN SCIENCE, it needs careful formulas and estimations of your trade activities each year as your market begins to grow in activities that require currency.
Swear in the name of darwin that you beleieve the federal reserves is controlled and operated by the united states government :mjlol:

Alan Greenspan Who was a chair of the federal reserve bank for a few generations admitted the federal reserve is owned privately and is not regulated by the government

Here he is asked what is the relationship between the federal reserve chairman and the president

Alan Greenspan nonchalantly replies there’s no other agency that can overrule decisions we take :lolbron:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I prefer debt and paying it off over 30 years, then live hand to mouth like you on sadaqo NGO which use the same ribah money your running away from. U might as well go into debt. Some debt is good debt. If I have debt on 500k House, that is not really bad debt at all since if I sell the house, I can clear my debt. I am developing assets for my kids to have in the future, while all u pass to your kids is living on charities and ngo, your generation of kids never change, my generation kids start to dhaxal properties after propeties each generation.

You can't compare the superior white man to the Poor Somali Man who has 68 IQ, it clearly shows you in your brain also that u prefer you and your descendants forever lining up at charities and NGO eating ribah money thru 'hand outs'. It reminds me of the saying of the fisherman, you can either teach them to fish or feed them fish. U prefer being fed the fish constantly while not taking a loan and buying the equipment to fish and be self independent, even though u may be in debt for a few years till you pay off the loan, but at least your self employed individual, your not living day to day waiting for someone to feed you like that basket case in Somalia. The reason it's basket case is because there is no FKN BANKS, NO LOANING, NO CURRENCY PLANNING OR CONTROL, NO NOTHING. THEY LIVE LIKE XOOLOS
What good is the world in exchange for ones soul:susp:


What good is the world in exchange for ones soul:susp:

I will prefer to sell my soul then rely on you to feed me sxb, I am to proud to be fed by another human being runti even if that means I war with god, so be it. I prefer I am independent and control my own life and I will entertain ribah if that is the case. I can ask god forgiveness but my freedom and independence and gobanimo is far more important to me then having some white guy continously bring me sadaqo money to buy food as I line up for NGO and Charities. Maybe you can live like that, but not me, not me akhi, my pride and my awooweyaal won't allow I tarnish they're gobanimo. I am not religious person, I am proud person, a man of dignity and pride first.

I will enter the world the nasty world of ribah and ensure my bah dubays are the new jews of Somalia by being first bank lenders in Somalia. I am working up support inside my bah dubays clan showing the evidence that we all eating ribah anyways thru sadaqo, every somali who works for any company in the world is also eating a salary which was gained thru ribah, ribah is inescapable. I am convincing bah dubays to lead the way, then we can get a slice of all the loan profits on any project, we will start small like home loans first to entice locals to buy they're own asset thru a loan, then it's business loans, then it's car loans, u name anything even personal loans.

No-one has 100k sitting around in your fictious world to begin a business or buy home, that's why they all rent and leave no inheritance for they're kids these poor somalis. I want bah dubays to be the new jews of somalia. That's what jews did in early europe, the church banned money lending in europe as it was considered sinful like it it is in Islam, the jews saw all these poor europeans who couldn't afford to eat or buy properties and started loaning them money they made as merchant and traders and they applied interest to it since jewish religion allows interest loans to non jews just not to jews lol. This is where the modern economy was born that we live in.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I will prefer to sell my soul then rely on you to feed me sxb, I am to proud to be fed by another human being runti even if that means I war with god, so be it. I prefer I am independent and control my own life and I will entertain ribah if that is the case. I can ask god forgiveness but my freedom and independence and gobanimo is far more important to me then having some white guy continously bring me sadaqo money to buy food as I line up for NGO and Charities. Maybe you can live like that, but not me, not me akhi, my pride and my awooweyaal won't allow I tarnish they're gobanimo. I am not religious person, I am proud person, a man of dignity and pride first.

I will enter the world the nasty world of ribah and ensure my bah dubays are the new jews of Somalia by being first bank lenders in Somalia. I am working up support inside my bah dubays clan showing the evidence that we all eating ribah anyways thru sadaqo, every somali who works for any company in the world is also eating a salary which was gained thru ribah, ribah is inescapable. I am convincing bah dubays to lead the way, then we can get a slice of all the loan profits on any project, we will start small like home loans first to entice locals to buy they're own asset thru a loan, then it's business loans, then it's car loans, u name anything even personal loans. No-one has 100k sitting around in your fictious world to begin a business or buy home, that's why they all rent and leave no inheritance for they're kids these poor somalis. I want bah dubays to be the new jews of somalia.
You are getting things misconstrued, the only reason i am against fiat currency is cause i don't want us to become debt slaves to the private bankers like in the united states and in the united kingdom and the rest of the world.

Relying on ngo food handouts? Quite on the contrary, we can grow our own food we have plenty of sun so we can utilise solar energy dig wells and griw our own food boowe the best things in life are free

Beerta mudug

Beerta nugaal

Beerta bari


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I just do not see the likes of Abdirazaq Haji Hussein or the likes Maxamed Abshir returning to build up our Police Force or something like that.

Gen. Maxamud Abshir was heavily involved in the state formation. There are footage of him as early as 1993 talking with reer nugaal and discussing building an administration. He was also present in 1998 conference and was a freaking PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE. What you talking about? He was the SSDF chairman until 1998. What you talking about?

Abdirizaq Haji left the country after he tried to mediate the power struggle between the SSDF leadership.

AY is an elite himself, creme de la creme. He had direct access to the president Aden Abdulle and president Sharmaake. There's a photo of him being in the same room as Somalia's leaders when the coup of 1969 happened.

Col. Eng. Abshir Muuse was in the conference as well. He was the head of Somalias electricity agency.

Shuuke was there, longest serving minister of education.

Col. Abshir Hassan Muuse, the elegant mayor of Xamar was there as well


You can see Gen. Mohammed Abshir and Col. Abshir Hassan on his right.

What you talking about


Gen. Maxamud Abshir was heavily involved in the state formation. There are footage of him as early as 1993 talking with reer nugaal and discussing building an administration. He was also present in 1998 conference and was a freaking PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE. What you talking about? He was the SSDF chairman until 1998. What you talking about?

Abdirizaq Haji left the country after he tried to mediate the power struggle between the SSDF leadership.

AY is an elite himself, creme de la creme. He had direct access to the president Aden Abdulle and president Sharmaake. There's a photo of him being in the same room as Somalia's leaders when the coup of 1969 happened.

Col. Eng. Abshir Muuse was in the conference as well. He was the head of Somalias electricity agency.

Shuuke was there, longest serving minister of education.

Col. Abshir Hassan Muuse, the elegant mayor of Xamar was there as well

View attachment 79827

You can see Gen. Mohammed Abshir and Col. Abshir Hassan on his right.

What you talking about

This is what I love about abdalla, this is a mighty karbash that has silenced the DR. See I don't fight for nothing, I was not aware of 98 history in PL. I was in Mogadishu in 99 though, so I am familiar with that part of Somali history. The DR will surrender as long as the KARBASH IS MIGHTY IN FACTS.


𐒖 π’šπ’’π’˜π’‚π’—π’† 𐒖𐒒𐒆 π’ˆπ’‚π’‡π’™π’’π’Œ π’π’šπ’’π’‚. PIM.
Gen. Maxamud Abshir was heavily involved in the state formation. There are footage of him as early as 1993 talking with reer nugaal and discussing building an administration. He was also present in 1998 conference and was a freaking PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE. What you talking about? He was the SSDF chairman until 1998. What you talking about?

Abdirizaq Haji left the country after he tried to mediate the power struggle between the SSDF leadership.

AY is an elite himself, creme de la creme. He had direct access to the president Aden Abdulle and president Sharmaake. There's a photo of him being in the same room as Somalia's leaders when the coup of 1969 happened.

Col. Eng. Abshir Muuse was in the conference as well. He was the head of Somalias electricity agency.

Shuuke was there, longest serving minister of education.

Col. Abshir Hassan Muuse, the elegant mayor of Xamar was there as well

View attachment 79827

You can see Gen. Mohammed Abshir and Col. Abshir Hassan on his right.

What you talking about
Fun fact: Some folks wanted former Prime Minister Abdirizaq Haji Hussein (AUN) as Puntland's president but he declined and gave his full support to AY (AUN).

