PL Institutional Collapse Is Near. Podcast


It's 20 minute most of it's lighthearted but 'u know with a bit truth salted into it' style. I will do second part on the huge defect helding Puntland back from being seen as a mature region and more 'legacies' gain.


The moral of the story is PL needs to share power, if they don't the chances we are getting any power in the region decreases, we need to 'tanasul' and 'concede' like Justin Trudea appointed Somali Minister who is refugee in his country. The chance of anyone to be running PL must be a right and REALISTIC. We just need to ensure the system isn't designed for a clan or person and the people and land since that is what is important with no people and land, the rest is irrelevant. Same goes for your IDP, homeless, don't be seen usin them as 'jambal' with photos as they will know u just using it for 'job' but be seen showing the same work 20 years as volunteer. If they see your on payment, they don't believe you care for the weak but seek a profile for yourself or 'legacy'. Cayaar ma taalo western world, there is measurements, waxba lama qarin kare. The worst are those who seek power thru the weak


One day you say Puntland will always exist. The next day.......... Yeah

Thats why our mentality difference I dont want PL to survive you think there can be no growth since u dont understand 'growth', when I say PL cant exist, I mean its not growing u dumb c*nt. Dont u know u gotta grow not just keep saying I AM HERE BOY but your still naked in all the sense of knowledge, eocnomy, security, any 'era' developed and references, you reject ideas cuz you remain stagnant, sxb ou show your own cards that you dont grow where is your mentality, u stay in same job nigga for 30 years adigu with ur mentality same with ur clan
The reason why so called Puntland is not growing is because everything yall eat is imported and not home grown or factory made.

Don't call me a boy, call me MUDANE

