Phone convo

Lemme flex on these fellas

Rookie numbers

Wtf? You must be kiddin or y'all convo boring af

salma saluuni

For the thrill💃🏽
When you know the phone call is more than 2hrs, meesha wax lagu ma haayo waa la is maawelinaaya wlh.:noneck:

Dude probably knows the sounds you make when asleep. Nightmare if you the type to snore loud:browtf:

Nope, I'm not that crazy trust me
I don’t snore in my sleep so alhamdullilah for that :susp:


Hiatus✅ 1/18/21- ?
Your phone conversation

Guy: yareey you'll cook and clean and massage my feets when I marry you.

You: ok my love, kaley aabo iga so doono

End of shukansi, next day is aroos time

Why can't more xalimos be like this :ileycry:
She a traditionalist lol
Her: Asc
Him: wcs
Her: stares awkwardly
Him: waan ka helay
Her: sidokale

Next day they're married
Damn, you guys know it can be non-romantic too right
These kids don't understand though. Not everything is romantic. Btw, I will say that its a plus when a guy's disciplined enough to not talk about ciyaalsuuq stuff. It shows that he's principled and has respect for himself and for the woman in question.
Wtf is wrong with you guys?
If I talked to a girl than än hour on Phone i wouldnt have to sleep with Her anymore. The Chem is just dead there. I will never give this kind of attention to a woman

