Pewdiepie’s mask is slipping


Certified Liin Distributor
Somalia is not a country worth caring for. Focus on your life in the West where it really matters.
There's money to be made back home it isn't all a charity case. I'm trying to be successful here first and then I can look there as a side thing perhaps.
An E1b1b Geeljire once said
" Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."


I'm Citizen of the world, my identity transcends geography ,nationality and tribal affiliation. :yacadiim:
An E1b1b Geeljire once said
" Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."


I'm Citizen of the world, my identity transcends geography ,nationality and tribal affiliation. :yacadiim:
Don't honour that levantine looking freak with the label "Geeljire". He was not devoid of Nationalism, since he was a Zionist.

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