Peru: Communists Burn Policeman

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
see? this is communism.

Policeman burned to death amid antigovernment unrest in Peru​

LIMA, Peru (AP) — A police officer on patrol was attacked and burned to death by protesters in the Peruvian region of Puno as the death toll from demonstrations in the wake of the ouster of former President Pedro Castillo rose to 47, authorities said Tuesday.

José Luis Soncco Quispe, 29, was on patrol with a fellow officer in Juliaca, a city near the border with Bolivia and Lake Titicaca, on Monday night when they were attacked by a mob that later set fire to their vehicle, according to police reports.

Soncco’s partner in the patrol car, Ronald Villasante Toque, said the men were “detained and physically attacked by some 350 protesters,” according to the reports.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Communist terrorists are hard at work in Peru:

Red Ponchos that transported bullets to Peru are "paramilitaries"​

The Red Ponchos caught illegally transporting “dum dum” type bullets to Peru, show the double discourse of the Movement for Socialism (MAS) and the Bolivian Government that, while pointing out their supposed defense of democracy in the neighboring country, promote violence, separatism and political and social destabilization, declared representative Erwin Bazán, from the Creemos group.

"They are to arm supporters of Pedro Castillo (former president of Peru) to shoot Peruvian citizens, to kill Peruvian citizens, to fill Peruvian families with mourning and pain (...) What can we expect if Evo Morales and Pedro Castillo are operators of the Socialism of the XXI Century (…) they are no longer Red Ponchos in Bolivia they are paramilitaries, nothing else can be said of those who are transporting bullets (illegally)”, he lashed out.

He warned that the actions of Evo Morales in Peru, such as his interference in internal affairs of that country, have no other objective to generate scenarios of violence to force a separatist and hateful political system as is happening in countries that are headed towards socialism.

He pointed out that the Ponchos Rojos surprised in Peru with the shipment of bullets are part of the social organization that dug ditches in the access roads to the Chonchocoro prison, in La Paz, as part of a plan to eliminate the governor of Santa Cruz, Luis Fernando Camacho, where by political decision of the government of Luis Arce, president of Bolivia, he is illegally apprehended in that prison.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Communists attack ambulance trying to transport patients:

you can see in the video above their aggression against the poor ambulance....

and here some context from the Peruvian health ministry:

"The video was recorded in Puno, when the Melgar Health Center ambulance was attacked while it was transferring three patients to the Carlos Monge Medrano Hospital. Help us save lives!"

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
what has happened is crazy.... and I just want to summarize what has taken place

Pedro Castillo takes power as candidate of a self-declared "Marxist-Leninist" political party (Peru Libre- it is in their official documentation that they are Marxist-Leninist).... Ilhan Omar and some of the liberals on here were supportive of him.... it is widely believed the election was rigged but of course many will deny this

Castillo goes on TV, declares that he is shutting down the Congress and he will now rule by decree (basically, he went on TV and declared himself dictator)

he gets removed from power... cuz um... he kinda went on TV and declared himself dictator.... apparently the Peruvian armed forces had other ideas....

and now that he gets removed from power, his supporters unleash wave of violence and terrorism throughout the country.... what all this illustrates- burning an innocent policeman, having bullets transported so they can kill people, attacking an ambulance.... this just shows the evilness of Communism and Communist ideology..... "the end justifies the means" is how they think so they think nothing of actions such as hurting innocent people

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
baby dies due to communists:

Cusco: one-year-old baby dies after not being able to get to the Regional hospital due to road blockade​

The minor was transferred from the district of Lucre, province of Quispicanchi, due to colic. However, a blockade in the Oropesa sector delayed his arrival and he died on the way. He is the third newborn killed during the protests.​

A one-year-old and eight-month-old baby became one more fatality in the blockades that are registered in the imperial region. According to information provided by José Pinares, director of the Cusco Regional Hospital , the child was brought as an emergency from the district of Lucre, in the province of Quispicanchi, Cusco region , due to colic that afflicted him.

The doctor indicated that the vehicle in which the child was brought could not pass a blockade carried out by protesters in the Oropesa district sector, in the same province of Quispicanchi. The protests delayed the passage of the vehicle, so the minor who was taken to the Regional Hospital to be treated arrived without vital signs to the San Jerónimo Health Center, located at the entrance to the southern area of the imperial city.

According to information from the police at the San Jerónimo police station, which verified the death of the child under one year and eight months, he was transferred due to presenting a stomach infection . The minor's mother told the police that when they were traveling in a private car, they had difficulty in transporting her son, since the protesters from the town of Oropesa prevented them from passing, which made it impossible for the minor to be seen on time. who arrived lifeless at the health center.

Three newborns killed in protests​

With this death, there are three newborns who have died from the protests and the tenth minor at the national level. Before, the death of a baby was reported in Chucuito (Puno), who was transferred in an ambulance that was prevented from passing through a road block. The other death was that of a baby in Virú (La Libertad) , whose delivery did not have medical attention on time due to interrupted roads.
Shining Path was always insane, there’s a recording of one of their spokesmen being asked whether they boiled babies alive and then saying “no, that’s fake news, we boiled the adults alive but bashed the babies brains out”.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Shining Path was always insane, there’s a recording of one of their spokesmen being asked whether they boiled babies alive and then saying “no, that’s fake news, we boiled the adults alive but bashed the babies brains out”.

Shining Path as well as some other similar type groups definitely have a hand in what's taking place. The international media are complicit- if you look up how English-language Western media is covering what's happening- they're not mentioning what I'm mentioning in this thread. And I've only covered a little bit. The Western coverage is spun to make the Dina Boluarte government look bad. In reality, Dina Boluarte already came out on TV and said she isn't planning to stay in power. She's just an interim president until elections.

Ipsos Peru: 34% believe that Shining Path and MRTA infiltrators are responsible for violence in protests​

Likewise, 33% consider that in the attempts to take over airports and burn buildings, groups linked to drug trafficking, illegal mining, smuggling and others are also present.​

The latest national urban-rural survey by Ipsos for Lampadia reveals that 34 percent of people surveyed believe that supporters of radical groups such as Shining Path And the MRA have to do with the violent actions perpetrated in themarches against the government.

it's just really sad and depressing to me. myself and many others were horrified back when Pedro Castillo took power. I watched their last debate and Keiko was warning that it could lead to this. I am very worried for the people in Peru.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
one of the leftist leaders, Sigrid Bazán, went on TV and said the following (in translation):

“Then we went on to the fact that the protest has to make people uncomfortable; that is, moving from a region where it is done to another region, which is the capital. And then, we have gone from the fact that the people who protest now have to die , ”said the leftist without condemning the vandalism and terrorist attacks on public and private property.

I would post the clip but she isn't properly covered. but it can be found if you look up her interview with Exitosa. she said during the interview: ""Peaceful protest does not create change,""

so she basically went on Peruvian TV and openly called for violence.


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