People are focusing on revoking BKs visa more than donating to xamar after the qarax

Cuqdad aad u daran


Wallahi am telling you qabil makes people so fucking stupid its unbelievable. How is it millions of people are stupid to realise that. Mind fucking boggling.


"You are your best thing"
I do agree that people should be donating but I support them to get that dude’s visa revoked, he can go live in wonderful Hargeisa :mjohreally:


You bloody jeegaan scum with the brain capacity of a bloody rat donating is harder than pressing yes on a vote or signing a petition. where is the logic in your small jeegaani zoolaander brain?
I do agree that people should be donating but I support them to get that dude’s visa revoked, he can go live in wonderful Hargeisa :mjohreally:

Do you think the UK will revoke his visa?
He made the conservatives win and got close ties to the Queen
And they didn't even write his real name in the petition:yacadiim:

Ilaahay boqoradda ahlul beytka ah noo daa
Boris ha noolaado
You bloody jeegaan scum with the brain capacity of a bloody rat donating is harder than pressing yes on a vote or signing a petition. where is the logic in your small jeegaani zoolaander brain?

10k v 162 people donating, they shouldn't blame this incident on a singer in the first place gadabuursiyahow


Adeer, we came during to UK during the 1800s, the only ones that needs to revoke their visas are F1qashs that came to the UK via Europe after smuggling themselves thru the borders
You didn’t get it. It was a secession joke lol.

