People and Power- Killing Kenya

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Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
This is what happens when you have no political power. Most Somali kenyans do not vote and are thus treated as second-class citizens. Somali Kenyans should infiltrate the power structure in order not to remain victims.
Kenyan Somalis never had it better, in politics, they have two members in the cabinet, foreign and enterprise, senate majority leader and number of mps, if you also include the devolution of power to local authorities, which will enable the Somali region to have the ability and freedom to undertake developments that can meet the needs of locals, one could argue Kenyan Somali never had it better. While in economy we have made serious headway in real estates, retail, services and manufacturing, overall we contribute at least 20-25% to the kenyan economy. Considering our population size in relative to the above mentioned factors you say can we are pushing above our weight. However, all this positive developments have been undermined by the murderous takfiri Al shabab. Sometimes I wonder who they really work for, as times after times they have shown to act against the interest of somali people and their seem hell-bent into taking us back 7 steps after every 2 steps forward.
The problem is that Kenyan bantus do not view them as kenyan citizens. They view us as Non African foreign invaders. The media and polticians fuel this xenophobia as well. What also fuel this resentment for us from the bantus majority is that We are very good business wise.

Al-shabab are largely comprimised of foreign ethnics so ofc they do not work for us. That is also another source that fuels the Kenyan Xenophobia against us.

they also hate us because we dont intermarry them.
The problem is that Kenyan bantus do not view them as kenyan citizens. They view us as Non African foreign invaders. The media and polticians fuel this xenophobia as well. What also fuel this resentment for us from the bantus majority is that We are very good business wise.

Al-shabab are largely comprimised of foreign ethnics so ofc they do not work for us. That is also another source that fuels the Kenyan Xenophobia against us.

they also hate us because we dont intermarry them.

I agree, however the main issue facing Kenyans Somali in the past decade has been terrorisms. And when a community is successful like the Kenyans Somali has being recently, it brings intense scrutiny. While its true the majority Kenyan bantus have jealousy and envy towards us. The main problems we have are not the bantus but the Kenyan Asians business class. We have been competing commercially with Asians since a significant segment of the Somali business class fled civil war in Somalia. Since then we have slowly wrestled control sectors of the economy where they enjoyed near monopoly status. Those guys are the one who control the media and having been using it in demonising Somalis, accusing them of bringing piracy money into the country etc and al shabab haven’t also helped our cause.

Also if you consider this, the only tool our enemies have is al shabab and the terrorist card. They have used this superbly to seriously handicap our development both politically and socioeconomically and until we find a way to overcame them and their local collaborator we will not be able to witness any visible progress.
Not all kenyans are Bantus
Apart from The cushites Somalis,Boranas, Gabras, Rendile etc.
There are also nilotes like Kalenjin, Luos, Maasai,Samburu etc.
Not all kenyans are Bantus
Apart from The cushites Somalis,Boranas, Gabras, Rendile etc.
There are also nilotes like Kalenjin, Luos, Maasai,Samburu etc.

Whatever there are Kalenjin, Kikuyu, or Jinni is irrelevant, at end of the are not somali and thus are our competitor. However that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to make allies or partners. on the contrary, I advocate that we should actively try to make allies that are beneficial to our interest, and most importantly we should unite and be one solid block, thats the only way we can hope to succeed and survive in this increasingly complex, rapidly changing and dangerous world we live in.
Al Shaydaan are responsible for this problems they have created a wedge and they are enjoying the misery of Somalis/Muslims in Kenya.
The way they target non muslims and kill them ruthlessly is abhoring.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
In Kenya all the pastoral groups, no matter how large, are powerless. Pokot, Samburu, Turkana, Masai, Boran, Somali together make up more than 5 million, but since they don't farm much they are politically and economically ignored. Kenya is an agricultural country, and those who are not agriculturalists will remain behind.
I agree, however the main issue facing Kenyans Somali in the past decade has been terrorisms. And when a community is successful like the Kenyans Somali has being recently, it brings intense scrutiny. While its true the majority Kenyan bantus have jealousy and envy towards us. The main problems we have are not the bantus but the Kenyan Asians business class. We have been competing commercially with Asians since a significant segment of the Somali business class fled civil war in Somalia. Since then we have slowly wrestled control sectors of the economy where they enjoyed near monopoly status. Those guys are the one who control the media and having been using it in demonising Somalis, accusing them of bringing piracy money into the country etc and al shabab haven’t also helped our cause.

Also if you consider this, the only tool our enemies have is al shabab and the terrorist card. They have used this superbly to seriously handicap our development both politically and socioeconomically and until we find a way to overcame them and their local collaborator we will not be able to witness any visible progress.

What about the massacres that took place in Kenya.

The wagalla massacre for instance.
The Wagalla massacre occured after the Degodia community refused to stop killing Ajuraan. There was a story where by a pregnant Ajuran lady was killed and her stomach was slit. This angered authorities.
The Wagalla massacre occured after the Degodia community refused to stop killing Ajuraan. There was a story where by a pregnant Ajuran lady was killed and her stomach was slit. This angered authorities.

This further reinforces the need for unity by Somalis across all the socio political issues facing our people. Someone needs to drive through the advantages of unity to the corrupt and selfish driven political actors exploiting the people. If they participate in a positive non zero-sum game, not only would their position be strengthen and enhanced, they would also be able to advance the needs of the people they proclaim to represent and acts such as the Wagalla massacre would be avoided as the Kenyans would think twice engaging united Somali community.
You got links to show this?

Why would they care if Somalis refuse to internarry with Kenyans?

who knows? read an article and exempt from a book cuzzing us out about us not intermarrying. bunch of them want to force somalis to become mixed hybrids in their attempt to destroy *Tribalism*
It is a well-known fact that communities that do not intermarry usually have great difficulties settling in foreign neighborhoods. One example here are the Somalis, mainly from war ravaged Somalia who have in recent years spread out all over the continent and can now be found in large enough numbers in virtually any African country you care to mention. What has happened is that there has been very serious tension that has even led to killings of Somalis in places like South Africa. One of the reasons for the tension is that these guys are loners and NEVER intermarry. What does that tell the neighbors?

Even in Kenya we have some certain communities that have no problem intermarrying with other tribes and have therefore easily merged into communities countryside while there are others whose romantic love is selective and they only fall in love within carefully demarcated tribal boundaries.

One tribe notorious for intermarriage that deserved to be commended are the Luhya. The Luhya have managed to penetrate even tribes that shun marriage to other tribes (whose identify I shall not reveal for security reasons—my personal security that is).

They also write books about us and spewing hate because they long for our acceptance!!
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who knows? read an article and exempt from a book cuzzing us out about us not intermarrying. bunch of them want to force somalis to become mixed hybrids in their attempt to destroy *Tribalism*

They also write books about us and spewing hate because they long for our acceptance!!

Such inferiority complex. I've read and heard them say things about us but never thought not intermarrying with them was a a problem they had with us.
Such inferiority complex. I've read and heard them say things about us but never thought not intermarrying with them was a a problem they had with us.

Read the Article these people are outragesly disgusting!!
The suspicion that has been visited on them by the security services is at their own invitation. After years of living under the equatorial sun, their Cushitic features have not Kenyanised, their religion remains unchanged and they continue to roll in money despite not owning any land or cultivating any notable crops.

Its none of their business if we marry our own and who and what we marry and what religion we have. . ive heard some of them say We need to marry somali to end weave and have beautiful kids bla bla
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