Paying for rent/housing is tribute, extortion and theft


Go back 200 years ago, whether in an urban, agriculture, or nomadic society, people historically owned their homes or paid very little in rent.

We have gone through two industrial revolutions and are currently going through an AI revolution, so much wealth is generated in the world today compared to 200 years ago. We are so much richer. So much more technologically advanced.

What is so different to a home 200 years ago to today? It’s nothing more than a building with rooms inside. So why, with all the wealth generated in the world today, do people pay 50 % of the wealth they generate on something that hasn’t changed for the past 200 years? What is so innovate about homes today whereby you could live in a large city with one million people in the past and pay 5 % of your wealth for rent as a blacksmith, but a Doctor today pays 35 % of their wealth annually on rent?

What do landlords do with this wealth? What value do they provide? They do not provide any value, and there is no reason why rent couldn’t cost 5 % of your salary.

If a government provided social housing in mass, they would not only generate revenue even at cheap rent, but they would solve the housing crisis that many countries are facing. The average person would have much more disposable income to spend which is stolen by landlords with no value other than hoarding wealth, and it would benefit the economy just as much as the well-being of the average person in society. It’s a win-win.

But because landowners are the biggest and most reliable voting bloc, solving the housing crisis is not in their interest. So they would simply vote against any government that would solve the housing crisis.

When a kingdom was faced with the threat of invasion from another more powerful kingdom, and they are told to pay tribute, they will comply because they do not have a choice. They don’t provide any value, they don’t deserve the payment, they just take it because the powerful can do what it wants.

The landowner provides no value or benefit, there is nothing more valuable about homes today than 200 years ago. Democracy gives them power to force non land owners to pay tribute to them at 50 % of their wealth.

This is not about communism or w/e, even the forefather and founder of capitalism Adam Smith agrees with this:
*"The rent of the land, therefore, considered as the price paid for the use of the land, is naturally a monopoly price. It is not at all proportioned to what the landlord may have laid out upon the improvement of the land, or to what he can afford to take; but to what the farmer can afford to give. "*

\-- ch 11, wealth of nations

* "As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed, and demand a rent even for its natural produce."

\-- Adam Smith

* "\[the landlord leaves the worker\] with the smallest share with which the tenant can content himself without being a loser, and the landlord seldom means to leave him any more."

\-- ch 11, wealth of nations.

* "The landlord demands a rent even for unimproved land, and the supposed interest or profit upon the expense of improvement is generally an addition to this original rent. Those improvements, besides, are not always made by the stock of the landlord, but sometimes by that of the tenant. When the lease comes to be renewed, however, the landlord commonly demands the same augmentation of rent as if they had been all made by his own. "

\-- ch 11, wealth of nations.

* "RENT, considered as the price paid for the use of land, is naturally the highest which the tenant can afford to pay in the actual circumstances. In adjusting the lease, the landlord endeavours to leave him no greater share of the produce than what is sufficient to keep up the stock"

\-- ch 11, wealth of nations.

* "\[Landlords\] are the only one of the three orders whose revenue costs them neither labour nor care, but comes to them, as it were, of its own accord, and independent of any plan or project of their own. That indolence, which is the natural effect of the ease and security of their situation, renders them too often, not only ignorant, but incapable of that application of mind"

\-- ch 11, wealth of nations.

* "\[Kelp\] was never augmented by human industry. The landlord, however, whose estate is bounded by a kelp shore of this kind, demands a rent for it"

\-- ch 11, wealth of nations

* "every improvement in the circumstances of the society tends... to raise the real rent of land."

\-- ch 11, wealth of nations
It's due economy moving away from manufacturing and production industries to service sector and which part of the service sector yealds the highest rates of profits? It's real estate.

Real estate is also the largest industry in the UK right now

The current economic model 'never ending growth' in the service sector based economy requires mass influx of economic migrants every year and that creates an increase in demand for rented house/apartments which is what is driving up the rates of rent.
Supply and demand. Simple as that.

Less of a population in the past.

Almost the idea of Landlords stealing is such commie talks. It’s their land and their property. Obviously high rent is terrible, but it’s due to a shortage and rule is, when there is a shortage, prices hike up.

I agree with your assessment that governments should provide housing to combat extortionate prices.
Supply and demand. Simple as that.

Less of a population in the past.

Almost the idea of Landlords stealing is such commie talks. It’s their land and their property. Obviously high rent is terrible, but it’s due to a shortage and rule is, when there is a shortage, prices hike up.

I agree with your assessment that governments should provide housing to combat extortionate prices.
You can get 100 dollars from a homeless person before the government gives you a penny.


Supply and demand. Simple as that.

Less of a population in the past.

Almost the idea of Landlords stealing is such commie talks. It’s their land and their property. Obviously high rent is terrible, but it’s due to a shortage and rule is, when there is a shortage, prices hike up.

I agree with your assessment that governments should provide housing to combat extortionate prices.
Have you read my post?

Why would the government provide housing? Thatcher was the ones that destroyed it through Right to Work in order to benefit the landowners.
They intentionally manufactured low supply through planning laws etc. If the government is limiting supply for the benefit of landowners, then it’s simply theft. They do this because of self preservation, if they don’t they’ll get voted out.

You do realise the Father of Capitalism, Adam Smith, was the one that said this? So how can it be a Commie take. A landowner is a leach and parasite, a Doctor will study and practice 12 years and after he generates one year worth of wealth through saving lives, whilst doing absolutely nothing and providing no value, a landowner will take 35 % of it.

There was more people in London 200 years ago than any other city excluding London in the UK today, so what relevance does population have?

Democratic parties are choosing self preservation, if they don’t do what it is in the landowners interest they get voted out, which is why they are helping landowners to extort non land owners for 50 % of their wealth annually. No different to an invading powerful kingdom forcing another kingdom to pay tribute.
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You can get 100 dollars from a homeless person before the government gives you a penny.
Do you think that the government will pay for social housing?

Even if rent was £100 a week in London, they would generate profit from this.
Do you think that the government will pay for social housing?

Even if rent was £100 a week in London, they would generate profit from this.
Housing is human right it just like air and water and also food. The government should provide all of this for free. What are you not taxed on?


The current economic model 'never ending growth' in the service sector based economy requires mass influx of economic migrants every year and that creates an increase in demand for rented house/apartments which is what is driving up the rates of rent.
Housing crisis has nothing to do with immigration.

There is nothing stopping supply from increasing except the government who are scared from being voted out by landowners.

They are manufacturing the low supply.


Housing is human right it just like air and water and also food. The government should provide all of this for free. What are you not taxed on?
Nothing should be free. But housing should not be profitable, without providing a value. The government should provide lifetime social housing with rent costing building + maintainable + just a small bit of profit.
Nothing should be free. But housing should not be profitable, without providing a value. The government should provide lifetime social housing with rent costing building + maintainable + just a small bit of profit.
A good house where l live is 450k. With the current interest rate after you done paid it of you'll pay nearly 2 million. Now if you have wife kids and monthly bills and health insurance car payments and so on. How are you also supposed to save for retirement and life insurance for yourself if you kick the bucket? The average Americans make 60k a year. How is this feasible?



Would you ever be a Landlord?

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Do also think that’s going to be detrimental to
Society and that those that do that are leaches?
Nope i wouldn’t be a Landlord, but i have done Rent for Rent/Airbnb before but i regret doing so.

Ask yourself this, why does the UK spend £15.5 billion in housing benefit? Why don’t they use this money to build homes, and rent them at a very low price? Instead of wasting £15.6 billion / year they would make a small profit.

It’s not enough that landlords are leeching from
the landless through government controlled supply, but we are spending OUR taxes so that they can generate profit.

This is extortion of the highest order, they provide no value and get our taxes, they provide no value and take 35 % of a doctor’s salary, all this disposable income could be used productively and reinvested into the economy.

Building homes is providing value, but a landlord does not build a home. He buys a home and rents it. This shouldn’t be profitable, whilst building a home should be. They don’t provide any value, yet are taking a share of wealth that society creates.
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A good house where l live is 450k. With the current interest rate after you done paid it of you'll pay nearly 2 million. Now if you have wife kids and monthly bills and health insurance car payments and so on. How are you also supposed to save for retirement and life insurance for yourself if you kick the bucket? The average Americans make 60k a year. How is this feasible?
Of course it shouldn’t be this expensive. Go back 50 years and you could buy a home on one salary in some years.

This price is artificially created by the government and landowners.
Of course it shouldn’t be this expensive. Go back 50 years and you could buy a home on one salary in some years.

This price is artificially created by the government and landowners.
Another factor is corporations are purchasing house as investments now. This one of the problems in the west that cause low birth rate also. How are you supposed to create a family if the government doesn't want you to have one because you can't afford anything. While still importing people to replace you or your children that you never had.
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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
I hate it, I just want to go to baadiyo and build a hut. Atleast it will be MY hut.
Now we are discussing the topic, I have for a while considering to buy my own house or an apartment, but this requires me to take a bank loan which I'm told is haram.. But if it impossible to find an Islamic bank loan what is the ruling? Mind you when you're renting you could also potentially be paying interests through the landlords bank loans etc...
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