Patience was the best weapon against Ameer MSB

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Weeping for the Nation of 68
A group of Muslims came to al-Hasan al-Basree seeking a verdict to rebel against al-Hajjaaj [a tyrannical and despotic ruler]. So they said, "O Abu Sa'eed! What do you say about fighting this oppressor who has unlawfully spilt blood and unlawfully taken wealth and did this and that?" So al-Hasan said, "I hold that he should not be fought. If this is a punishment from Allaah, then you will not be able to remove it with your swords. If this is a trial from Allaah, then be patient until Allaah's judgement comes, and He is the best of judges." So they left al-Hasan, disagreed with him and rebelled against al-Hajjaaj - so al-Hajjaaj killed them all. Al-Hasan used to say, "If the people had patience when they are being tested by their unjust ruler, it will not be long before Allaah will give them a way out. However, they always rush for their swords, so they are left with their swords. By Allaah! Not even for a single day did they bring about any good

Subhanallaah! The Somali jabahaat opened the doors of fitnah.

We should have endured Ameer MSB with Sabr and we should have done lots of Tasbih, Tahlil, Tahmid and Takbir.



Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
YA Mogahideen Al Laandheeriya duriyatul Isaaq bin A7mad Al 7ashamiya will never allow taaghut to spread fitna in our land:fittytousand:

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
Coulda woulda shoulda. I believe these types of discussions are for the old generations. We should be looking ahead. It wasn’t our fault, Most of us weren’t even alive in the 80s.

Look ahead into the future, because the past and all the people who died aren’t coming back.
Imagine supporting someone who caused you to be a refugee in foreign countries.
He didn't cause me refugee in foreign it was caused by nacalo rebals who rebeled against his government which was the best Somalia has seen. My Allah bless him and forgive his sins


Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
He didn't cause me refugee in foreign it was caused by nacalo rebals who rebeled against his government which was the best Somalia has seen. My Allah bless him and forgive his sins

Sxb everyone rebelled against him Snm(Isaaq), USC(Hawiye), SPM(Ogaaden), SSDF(MJ). There's clearly something wrong with a government if 90% of the population rebels
Sxb everyone rebelled against him Snm(Isaaq), USC(Hawiye), SPM(Ogaaden), SSDF(MJ). There's clearly something wrong with a government if 90% of the population rebels
dad maseer hayay bay a haayeen ayakoo dhan . They all hated how good of a president siyaad barre was
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