Parents of the SNA Soldiers sent to Eritrea by Farmaajo for a "training" protest in Mogadishu and threaten to invade Villa Somalia If Ignored


[[Puntland Republic πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡±]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
It looks like Farmaajo is intentionally ignoring these parent's outcry all over the news and social media, so far the selfish AMISON guarded failed dictator hasn't shown any sympathy or compassion to these parents who happen to protesting just outside his banker for months now.:dwill::jaynerd:

For Gods sake, why cant this reckless lunatic give only 5 minutes of his bunker nap time to these distraughted parents, What a pig.:pacspit:

xarmaajo used SNA kids to masscre tigray people with aidstopan. now some of those kids are dead.

war criminal xaarmaajo must be brought to ICC
Lies again, the investigative dossier by Harun Maruf found no evidence of Somali forces in tigray. They are being trained in Eritrea and should arrive later this year.

Lies again, the investigative dossier by Harun Maruf found no evidence of Somali forces in tigray. They are being trained in Eritrea and should arrive later this year.

Interesting Quote:

Abdirashid Abbas of Las Anod town said his son, Ahmed-Dahir, with whom he spoke in January, β€œtold me they have concluded the training and have not been taken to the fighting” in Tigray. The son said he was in Eritrea at the time of the call, Abbas said.
Even Sola Portal exposed this fake story and he does not support Farmaajo but HAK.

The soldiers cant access phones and internet easy while theyre training there so the lying and corrupt opposition feeds their families stories of their being sent to war for political gain. Just like last time this is a blatant lie.

We will soon hear these same family saying they spoke to their sons just like last time.

