Pakistani leader exaggerates about Islamophobia in the west, then DENIES Uyghur genocide and BOOTYCLAPS for China

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Pakistan Zindabad. Pakistan is absolutely right in aligning with China. They're not wrong for not wanting to go the route of Saudi and other Western-aligned countries. China's foreign policy is different than its domestic policy. China has the best foreign policy out of between itself, Russia and the United States. Russia is an imperialist country. Russia is supposed to be different than the US but in reality they both invaded Afghanistan. China not only hasn't ever invaded Afghanistan but I think China is laughing at the US being defeated in Afghanistan.

Countries from the Third World rising up is actually a good thing for the whole Third World. A country going from a third world country to superpower is huge. It's a win for third world countries sitting at the decision table.

Go look at basically any conflict going on in world right now- you are bound to find a pro-US side and a pro-Russia side.

Notice how Imran Hosein who is an actual shill and thus an example of what an actual shill looks like- notice how much more he promotes Russia than China. What famous Sheikh in the English language is pushing China?

Now as far as their domestic policies- I think the Uyghur thing is part Western propaganda part real. I don't think they're literally being genocided any more than minorities in the West. They are being pressured to adopt pro-China ideology and become somewhat more liberal in their interpretation. They pushed for some feminist aims in regards to the Uyghur women. Are Muslims and minorities in the West in general not having the same thing pushed on them? If the Uyghurs in China are being genocided then Ilhan Omar and Malala also represent genocide.

Having someone try to pressure Chinese Muslims to be more Chinese or French Muslims to be more French isn't genocide. I don't think patriotism in itself is necessarily wrong but people trying to pressure Muslims to become more like them.... that's been going on throughout Muslim history.

I don't agree necessarily with everything as far as surveillance for example but the Chinese government is way better when it comes to foreign policy. In conflicts all over the world, you have the US and Russia backing different forces while China is sitting back minding its business- actually setting a good example in that regard.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
just recently a Moroccan in Spain was murdered by a racist Spaniard who was influenced by ideology of the VOX types- VOX is like the BJP of Spain, their ideology glorifies the ethnic cleansing of Spanish Muslims after the fall of Al-Andalus ("La Reconquista")- these people are basically like the BJP of Spain-

why isn't the controlled media telling about VOX and how the ideology of that whole current promotes the ethnic cleansing of Muslims?

why isn't the general media talking about the BJP in India? Kashmir?

so the people who don't care about Muslims in a giant list of countries and only care when it's a country that threatens US hegemony- those are the people who represent the Muslim interest?
Pakistan Zindabad. Pakistan is absolutely right in aligning with China. They're not wrong for not wanting to go the route of Saudi and other Western-aligned countries. China's foreign policy is different than its domestic policy. China has the best foreign policy out of between itself, Russia and the United States. Russia is an imperialist country. Russia is supposed to be different than the US but in reality they both invaded Afghanistan. China not only hasn't ever invaded Afghanistan but I think China is laughing at the US being defeated in Afghanistan.

Countries from the Third World rising up is actually a good thing for the whole Third World. A country going from a third world country to superpower is huge. It's a win for third world countries sitting at the decision table.

Go look at basically any conflict going on in world right now- you are bound to find a pro-US side and a pro-Russia side.

Notice how Imran Hosein who is an actual shill and thus an example of what an actual shill looks like- notice how much more he promotes Russia than China. What famous Sheikh in the English language is pushing China?

Now as far as their domestic policies- I think the Uyghur thing is part Western propaganda part real. I don't think they're literally being genocided any more than minorities in the West. They are being pressured to adopt pro-China ideology and become somewhat more liberal in their interpretation. They pushed for some feminist aims in regards to the Uyghur women. Are Muslims and minorities in the West in general not having the same thing pushed on them? If the Uyghurs in China are being genocided then Ilhan Omar and Malala also represent genocide.

Having someone try to pressure Chinese Muslims to be more Chinese or French Muslims to be more French isn't genocide. I don't think patriotism in itself is necessarily wrong but people trying to pressure Muslims to become more like them.... that's been going on throughout Muslim history.

I don't agree necessarily with everything as far as surveillance for example but the Chinese government is way better when it comes to foreign policy. In conflicts all over the world, you have the US and Russia backing different forces while China is sitting back minding its business- actually setting a good example in that regard.
You have anti communism poster as your pfp and here you're defending a communist regime commenting genocide to our muslim brothers and sister in Xinjiang region wallahi waa wax cajib :ayaanswag:
Pakistan needs China to keep India in its place. Geopolitically they are allied so it's stupid going against China.

Prime Minister

Somali Promotion Agent

This is totally crazy. Look at all the Sunnis in the comments denying what is happening to the Ugyhurs, including Somalis.


Geopolitics trumps religion now there's no ummah and people are not willing to admit it the last time there was a united muslim world was in 1973 oil embargo.
I never trust white people who have colonised and enslaved most of the world. This doqon said 1 million people are in camps, its impossible to hold 1 million in the camps shown.

I think this is just a tactic the west wants to use to split the Islamic world from China.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Forced organ harvesting of ethnic minorities and political dissidents or prisoners at home.:stressed: But built the longest road connecting North to South Somalia. And took over Soviet infrastructure projects after 77. Somalia generally has decent relations with China. It's just their domestic policies I take issue with. People exclaim its the west cultivating this sinophobia but I think its deeper than that.
just recently a Moroccan in Spain was murdered by a racist Spaniard who was influenced by ideology of the VOX types- VOX is like the BJP of Spain, their ideology glorifies the ethnic cleansing of Spanish Muslims after the fall of Al-Andalus ("La Reconquista")- these people are basically like the BJP of Spain-

why isn't the controlled media telling about VOX and how the ideology of that whole current promotes the ethnic cleansing of Muslims?

why isn't the general media talking about the BJP in India? Kashmir?

so the people who don't care about Muslims in a giant list of countries and only care when it's a country that threatens US hegemony- those are the people who represent the Muslim interest?
They don't talk about muslim victims in Palestine, Kashmir, India and western countries because it doesn't suit their anti-China agenda. How can anyone take the west seriously in this is beyond me. America claiming China is doing a genocide on Muslims, while they themselves are responsible for literally MILLIONS of muslim lives and the desruction of Muslim civilizations is asbolutley laughable. Sadly many morons fall for it. Its disgusting.


𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖊 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑
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𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖊 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑
You have anti communism poster as your pfp and here you're defending a communist regime commenting genocide to our muslim brothers and sister in Xinjiang region wallahi waa wax cajib :ayaanswag:
This guy have brain civil war
Come on muzzies fight for our wars, you know what’s ironic it was the west that actually funded Uighurs secessionist movement that produced three terrorist attacks in China soil


Staff Member
The only Muslims that Muslims care about are the Palestinians and other Ayrabs. They don't give a damn about other darker skin ones. There is evidence of a genocide going on with the Uighurs and they don't care. They make excuses for atheist China and deny its even occurring. This reminds me of 2011 when the Ayrab Spring and the Somali famine occurred at the same time and many Somalis were more interested in the protests against Ayrab dictators. I realized it quite young of the bootyclapping ways of the Somali. Many Somalis on Twitter were just as annoying then as they are now with Egyptian and Tunisian flags and doing demonstrations but when a group of us gullible youngsters tried to collect donations for the famine, they all said no.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
The only Muslims that Muslims care about are the Palestinians and other Ayrabs. They don't give a damn about other darker skin ones. There is evidence of a genocide going on with the Uighurs and they don't care. They make excuses for atheist China and deny its even occurring. This reminds me of 2011 when the Ayrab Spring and the Somali famine occurred at the same time and many Somalis were more interested in the protests against Ayrab dictators. I realized it quite young of the bootyclapping ways of the Somali. Many Somalis on Twitter were just as annoying then as they are now with Egyptian and Tunisian flags and doing demonstrations but when a group of us gullible youngsters tried to collect donations for the famine, they all said no.

I saw plenty of Somalis at the famine fundraisers. I don't even remember the Spring. And I'd never use Twitter echo chambers as representing everyday Somalis.


The only Muslims that Muslims care about are the Palestinians and other Ayrabs. They don't give a damn about other darker skin ones. There is evidence of a genocide going on with the Uighurs and they don't care. They make excuses for atheist China and deny its even occurring. This reminds me of 2011 when the Ayrab Spring and the Somali famine occurred at the same time and many Somalis were more interested in the protests against Ayrab dictators. I realized it quite young of the bootyclapping ways of the Somali. Many Somalis on Twitter were just as annoying then as they are now with Egyptian and Tunisian flags and doing demonstrations but when a group of us gullible youngsters tried to collect donations for the famine, they all said no.
When muslims help non Arabs you'll hear secularist crying about the native culture being destroyed by the Ebil zulufist/wohabees.


Come on muzzies fight for our wars, you know what’s ironic it was the west that actually funded Uighurs secessionist movement that produced three terrorist attacks in China soil
The same people behind the anti islam industry whobwere defending every muslim opressor are now shedding crocodile tears over Uighurs.