PAKISTAN opened its first metro line ever. I wonder when will Somalia open one, NEVER! At least not in anyone reading’s this’ lifetime

"Chinese built" further putting them in debt and relying on China, nothing to follow in suit, we need our own people to create these types of means of transportation by educating our youth in those fields and garnering the materials necessary
"Chinese built" further putting them in debt and relying on China, nothing to follow in suit, we need our own people to create these types of means of transportation by educating our youth in those fields and garnering the materials necessary

Exactly, I'm actaully disappointed in Pakistan, for a country with a nuclear power and an educated population and so much to offer they really have gone down the ranks fast, now another chinese colony just like African countries. What happen to them 🤔


bruuh the chin are gonna use this to their advantage there are plenty of sesseionist regions the country + with Gwadar port they could support any of these movements without any repercussions
niggas are cucked
Chinese built bridge