Pajeet in poland getting cooked.

that guy whos pressing him is a white supremacist, this nigga is a loser, hes not even polish himself, he goes on omegle and talks to kids about spreading the white race etc.. he even got breast surgery done
He got a point. All these third world people living in the White mans country unable to build their own societies. We need to accept the truth and build our own nation and stop running away like cowards.
that guy whos pressing him is a white supremacist, this nigga is a loser, hes not even polish himself, he goes on omegle and talks to kids about spreading the white race etc.. he even got breast surgery done
Whole video was so dumb, he called him an “invader” despite Poland letting him in the country same way they let the American guy visit the country. Yet the Indian is an invader but the foreign American isn’t?

Indian guy was just minding his own business too. Crazy how much double standards there are, the white American guy is allowed to harass and insult him, but the Indian guy would be the bad guy if he fought back and defended himself.

these white degenerates can do whatever they want, but the minority is the bad guy when they start defending themselves. Such fragile egos. You have to ignore it/do nothing if you want people to be on your side. Because they’ll nitpick every little thing you do to try and shift the blame onto YOU.