Outrage over the Live action Aladdin movie.

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From browning up white extras, to adding a new character a "Prince" nonetheless who happens to be Scandinavian with blonde hair blue eyes, and ofcourse his role is to be a husband to Jasmine :cryinglaughsmiley: Aladdin is a world without white people, yet they insist on adding this "white Knight savior" mentality.. Never heard of this nigga called "Prince Anders" in the cartoons :deadpeter:

this guy will play Prince Anders.


Naomi scott will play jasmine, although her mother is indian and father is british. Arabs are furious, a Tamili playing the princess of arabia :mjlol:




who cares lool its white people's movie let them do what they want with it. If they want they should make their own

fair enough, but aladdin played a role in my childhood. Least they can do is do right by the cartoon.Why bring a new character to an already complete story?, and he so happens to be white... This movie will be a disaster.
What really bugs me is this "white Knight" mentality that is shoved down our throats. Jasmine role doesn't bother me Hindu and arab are "same same" LOL


Certified CNC expert.
Idc as long as they look the part and do a decent performance which is why the only thing I'm furious about is casting will smith as the genie
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