Our 8th day into a quarantine for Covid19 exposure after a family member tested Positive

If you need tips of how to survive from non-medic's perspective, ask away. We are double masking at home and each member is using their own room. Washing our hands often and changing masks often. Door handles, faucets, bathroom sinks constantly cleaned. We have bought spray bottles filled with anti bacterial solutions, colorox for the garbage cans and surfaces. We bought one time use dishes and cups so nobody uses common household utensils and dishes. We assigned one person to help the positive family member, that is me actually and I have been in and out of their room checking on their well being and addressing their needs. I make breakfast and lunch. Suugo/Maraq comes to us from outside so I make Pasta. Lots of Netflix, Gaming and surfing for me. I am taking another test on Friday inshallah. My last one was Negative. So far, our of four adults, only one positive still. We thank Allah for his help in giving us health.

Share your story if you are or have a family member who is positive.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I was found positive. I took the test last Friday. I had a sort of a cold for more than a week. Mainly sore throat, fever. It started with a mild headache, and next day i felt the sore throat.

Immediately i took Laxatives and imposed diarrhea on myself. It helps your immune system well. Later i felt a slight chest pains. I had a dry mild cough.

I drank a lot of Orange Juice tho. Funny thing is every time i drink Orange juice is when i have a cold. usually the taste of Orange Juice is bitter and sour, but when i am sick, i gallop it thirstly. It has Vitamin C to boost your immune system.

Also, that week i was having fever and soar throat, i took two aspirin after break fast and two when i sleep at night!
I was found positive. I took the test last Friday. I had a sort of a cold for more than a week. Mainly sore throat, fever. It started with a mild headache, and next day i felt the sore throat.

Immediately i took Laxatives and imposed diarrhea on myself. It helps your immune system well. Later i felt a slight chest pains. I had a dry mild cough.

I drank a lot of Orange Juice tho. Funny thing is every time i drink Orange juice is when i have a cold. usually the taste of Orange Juice is bitter and sour, but when i am sick, i gallop it thirstly. It has Vitamin C to boost your immune system.

Also, that week i was having fever and soar throat, i took two aspirin after break fast and two when i sleep at night!
you are going to die if you don't take care of yourself since you are in the risk age group. Why didn't the Long time care facility do more to care for our elder population? Stay safe Ayeeyo I'll pray for you.
I was found positive. I took the test last Friday. I had a sort of a cold for more than a week. Mainly sore throat, fever. It started with a mild headache, and next day i felt the sore throat.

Immediately i took Laxatives and imposed diarrhea on myself. It helps your immune system well. Later i felt a slight chest pains. I had a dry mild cough.

I drank a lot of Orange Juice tho. Funny thing is every time i drink Orange juice is when i have a cold. usually the taste of Orange Juice is bitter and sour, but when i am sick, i gallop it thirstly. It has Vitamin C to boost your immune system.

Also, that week i was having fever and soar throat, i took two aspirin after break fast and two when i sleep at night!

Basra, seems you got the serious case of COVID19. If you feel symptoms like that, they advise you to talk to your doctor over the phone to get directions and be ready for hospital visit if need be. My relative has mild case and his worse day was headache and nasal congestion. We are hoping it doesn't escalate into breathing problems. Thankfully, he is recovering and perhaps his age of 19 helps a bit.

I hope I don't catch any within the next few days inshallah.
you are going to die if you don't take care of yourself since you are in the risk age group. Why didn't the Long time care facility do more to care for our elder population? Stay safe Ayeeyo I'll pray for you.

Specially ladies with fat arm/shoulder rolls. They get the worst experience. Fat is the enemy of health. Basra needs to heed the calls and starve a little.

The insect on your Avatar in Somali is called Balanbaalis. The monarch butterflies journey 2000 miles from great lakes to the gulf of Mexico once a year. Then they return to their original location. They don't fly unless their temperature is above 80 degree C.

This government run website on Monarch butterflies has cool info.

Q: How do the butterflies travel south?
A: They ride a cold front, often at speeds of 10 to 30 miles per hour, covering up to 80 miles a day.