Other movie of savage Somalis

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Other movie of savage Somalis is coming. Already knaan is making HBO show about terrorism in MN. & CBC have TV about gangs in Toronto. This is not good for us, Somalis get ready, this could be the end for us as country. The west used the same propaganda against Jews before during WW2, against Soviet Union in Cold War, in 90s against Arab people. They are dehumanizing us before they get rid of us.

Clint Eastwood’s Next Movie Might Be About Kidnapped Aid Worker Jessica Buchanan

by Patrick Hipes

October 10, 2016 3:08pm


Warner Bros has acquired rights to the memoir by onetime kidnapped American aid worker Jessica Buchanan, with the idea of making a dramatic feature film that could be the next project for Clint Eastwood.

'Sully' Gets Standing Ovations; Clint Eastwood Says Story Turned Down Four Times - Telluride

The studio and Eastwood just teamed on another true-life pic, Sully, which has made $167.2 million at the global box office since its September 9 bow and is setting up for an awards-season run. That success came after they teamed on the hit American Sniper a year ago.

Buchanan’s memoir Impossible Odds — penned by Buchanan, her husband Erik Landemalm and Anthony Flacco — tells the true story of Buchanan, who was working as an aid worker in Somalia in October 2011 when she was captured and held in the desert for 93 days until her eventual rescue by SEAL Team 6. Brian Helgeland is writing the screenplay.
Forget tourism as an industry in Somalia. We'll have to be an export industry. It'll take us breaking ground in science, tech and conservation before people stop viewing us as deranged savages. But I have to say we really earned it, mostly in the 2000's with the few rogue pirates and Shabab.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
What if a Somali guy made a movie about how good Somalia was before the war how it affected the country

And how its now trying to overcome Al-shabab, corruption and poverty
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