Oromos taking over Somaliweyn through demographic change

ibn Yahya Al-Sooli

Anti-Qabiilism & Anti-Nationalism
I was referring to the states that don't have AMISOM stationed in their territories. You have to understand the nature of Oromos nothing would happen. They're like what 30M deep in Ethiopia yet they haven't ruled for as long as I can remember. All I'm saying is corporating them into Somalia slowly would be low risk
What could they possibly bring to the table other than rape, theft, and murder which is what we’ve seen from them so far?
There is no significant oromo presence in Somali Galbeed let alone Somaliland or Somalia. There are a few thousand oromos in hargeisa and city of 2 million people. Most oromos come as transit for tahrib the small oromo presence in Somaliland and puntland do jobs that used to be done by gabooye who don’t do those jobs anymore