Oromos make it clear that Oromia extends to the Indian ocean!!!


Xoog iyo Xiniyo #NGM enforcer
Why would they want to go from a fast developing country to a shithole with stagnant progress

Port access. They are landlocked due to MSB support of Eritrea's struggle for independence which was successful. Meles and Isaias Afwerki were both students of MSB (AUN). This diplomatic coup which was to weaken Ethiopia may come back to haunt us as Ethiopia is hungry for ports for its growing population. Demographic change can be seen as ethnic replacement via integrating economics which will lead to loose borders and you know the rest. Horn integration is the death of Somali dominance in the Horn. Same way it killed ethnic European dominance in their respective countries. We don't need vast immigration. We have a mass of unemployed youths ourselves? What's the point? Only globalist entities like the UN is pushing this crap. Somalis need to ensure Somalia is ethnically dominated by ethnic Somalis and nobody else.


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I remember him being confronted about this tweet and man said he was referring to the kenyan coast where his ppl live, not Somalia. Never trust a qoti tho


I remember him being confronted about this tweet and man said he was referring to the kenyan coast where his ppl live, not Somalia. Never trust a qoti tho
They inhabit Marsabit Isiolo and Tana river county they do extend to the coast but its a very small presence there. I don’t doubt thats what he was talking about.
He’s talking about the Kenyan coast
Ogadenia should not allow these people to pass through their lands and Somalia needs to either send them back or dump them in the sea they’re so desperate for


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
We should be scared our country might be taken over by oromo because of some unknown guy on Twitter? Somalis these days qalbiga ee ka dhinteen. Generations ago goverments used to make threats and it didnt faze us. I suppose this is what 30 yrs of civil war does to a nation.
We should be scared our country might be taken over by oromo because of some unknown guy on Twitter? Somalis these days qalbiga ee ka dhinteen. Generations ago goverments used to make threats and it didnt faze us. I suppose this is what 30 yrs of civil war does to a nation.

Generations ago we had power and were united. Now using ethiopia or kenya against ur rival qabil is trendy. Ethiopia controls somalia and we can't do anything about it.
Honestly, I couldn't give a shit if Oromos take over Somalia any more and if they do, I wouldn't lose sleep. I gave up this Amisom/Ethiopian colony known as Zoo Malia. Low IQ Somalis brought every misery and shame upon themselves. May the best man win.
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Honestly, I couldn't give a shit if Oromos take over Somalia any more and if they do, I wouldn't lose sleep. I gave up this Amisom/Ethiopian colony know as Zoo Malia. Low IQ Somalis brought every misery and shame upon themselves. May the best man win.

Seems like its possibly inevitable sxb

I don't want to be a minority in my ancestral land


Such humiliation.


A nation built by youth, destroyed by elders.

I wonder if elders should never lead in this country. Maybe it's some kind do genetic mental illness that hits at a certain elderly age.
