Oromo of Wollo refusing to be disarmed by Amhara regional state

Finally, another ethiopian who can speak on ethiopian matters from a different perspective.

No offense to @xabashi, but taking all our ethiopian info from a single (and most likely very biased) source is stupid. At the very least we now have another side of the story, and from there we can judge all the info better.

I ain’t Ethiopian. I’m Oromo bro, simply Oromo.
poor ordinary Amharas aren't the enemy, to me at least, but the politically active ones who work against the interests of oromos, look down on oromos and others in ethiopia, and believe in the myth of amhara superiority [even though their region is dirt poor], are the enemies.
poor ordinary Amharas aren't the enemy, to me at least, but the politically active ones who work against the interests of oromos, look down on oromos and others in ethiopia, and believe in the myth of amhara superiority [even though their region is dirt poor], are the enemies.
You and your people are the villains, no matter how many lies you tell. The same people who sell their own, including their own family into slavery...disgusting. Amhara region along with oromo region is built by Amharas. You would still be fucking goats if we did not civilize you, don’t forget.
You and your people are the villains, no matter how many lies you tell. The same people who sell their own, including their own family into slavery...disgusting. Amhara region along with oromo region is built by Amharas. You would still be fucking goats if we did not civilize you, don’t forget.

You can pretend as if oromos are these sinning devils, and amharas are infallible angels, all you want; but you know, I know, the region knows... that's not true.
You claim to have civilized us, yet your people walk bare foot today, and are dirt poor; but keep lying to yourself if that makes you feel better.
The more I interact with idiots like you, the more I realize why ethiopia was, and is, the worst country on earth, a failed experiment, and a country that should probably disintegrate.
you cannot force people who hate each other, to coexist, no matter how much you beg the white man for firearms to subjugate them.


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