One history that most Somalis don't know

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Suldaanka Gobyare


hahaha this nigga read a book:mjlaugh:


Why would they be drinking am I if they are Muslims? How would they get drunk?
Why would they be drinking am I if they are Muslims? How would they get drunk?
Ethiopian is Ethiopian whether they are Muslim or non Muslim their loyalty is for their country not Somalia. Somalis in Ogaden are not Ethiopian but Somalis under occupation.
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Oromos have more J1 and other Semitic genes than Somalis, especially the North-Central Oromos.

Somalis cannot be Oromos + Arabs.


Oromos have more J1 and other Semitic genes than Somalis, especially the North-Central Oromos.

Somalis cannot be Oromos + Arabs.
Yeah Oromos are diverse group. I saw you mentioned on Orville Jenkins website.
  1. Introduction: Origins of Somali History
  2. Origin:

Notwithstanding some previously-presented hypotheses on origin of the Somalis, Somalia is a six millennia-old nation that has been occupying the Somali Peninsula throughout the time of its history. Even the last and most accepted one of these hypotheses which originates the Somali from Omo-Tana region cannot be valid anymore, and it is not logical even, because of various, ignored accounts.

These accounts clearly suggest that the ancestral home of the Somalis was the northern part of the Peninsula with the Peninsula always being inhabited by the Somalis.1 In one of the recent studies on Somali history in general and reassessments of Omo-Tana story in particular, an intimate authority has announced:2 “this hypothesis cannot be taken uncritically because cave paintings, dating back to 9,000 BCE, found in northern Somalia, as well as studies of ancient pyramids, ruined cities, and stone walls confirm that an ancient civilization thrived here at least from the late Paleolithic or Stone Age…along with the fact that the ancient Kingdom of Punt once flourished within Somali borders’…‘Somalia is a nation with a history that stretches back more than ten millennia to the beginnings of human civilization’.”2

I have come to a similar conclusion on the question over six years ago. Somalia is one of not so many countries around the world in which a population change has never been indicated, and any sign of a noticeable substratum has not so far been observed genetically, linguistically, and anthropologically. There is no evidence for south-emanated expansion toward the north, but there are evidences for the opposite. The largest lexical statistics, and other linguistic standards, from various Afroasiatic languages are used in a forthcoming comparison for reconstructing the Somali history.3


Suldaanka Gobyare
Somalis never cease to amaze me man walalhi. You guys might lie to yourselves claiming it's Oromos, but these are Somalis themselves. This one @Canuck is your cousin and he claims Bantus are indigenous to Somalia and Somalia is a mixpool of different ethnic groups. kkkkkkk




I mean what the f*ck have their parents been feeding them.
Somali people are unique, we don't have Oromo nor Arab lineage.

This uniqueness is what they would rather reject.

If you study population DNA and not ancient genom you will know this that Somalis are not the product of a recent ''Peninsula Arabian'' mixture with ''East African Natives'', in fact most Somalis don't at all display any Peninsula Arabian ancestry whatsoever whether in terms of their Haplogroup markers which are centered very comfortably in the Horn of Africa or in terms of their autosomal DNA where we actually are more genetically isolated than Ḥabeshas and Oromos since we show no ''West Asian'' admixture.

I dont know why they would even assume such a thing or speculate on us being Arab or Oromo hybrids when there is very little to no indication we are not exactly a diverse population. Unlike these groups.

We only have two main haplogroup markers when most other ethnicities have 4 ,5 or 6 markers. Yet confused mofos want to speculate on us being Hybrids when we are Inbreds.
Somalis never cease to amaze me man walalhi. You guys might lie to yourselves claiming it's Oromos, but these are Somalis themselves. This one @Canuck is your cousin and he claims Bantus are indigenous to Somalia and Somalia is a mixpool of different ethnic groups. kkkkkkk




I mean what the f*ck have their parents been feeding them.

:snoop::snoop::snoop: Pray for Somali youth


:snoop::snoop::snoop: Pray for Somali youth

You'd be surprised at how many Somalis think that the Madowweyne lived in Somalia before the ethnic Somalis. Ask around. A lot of idiots believe this.

Even saw this bullshit being pushed by a ''historian'' on Universal TV in Somali.
You'd be surprised at how many Somalis think that the Madowweyne lived in Somalia before the Somalis. Ask around. A lot of idiots believe this.

But why? who told them this? The history of Bantus in Somalia is well known. They are not natives let alone indigenous.

I bet they assume this because of the notion of Monolithic Africa. Like the only indiginous people on the continent are ''Bantus'' everyone else fell from the sky.
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