Olympic committee bans BLM appeal at Japan Olympic

Okay, why can’t maadow host their own Olympics ? What does Japan have to do with the treatment of blacks in the USA ? I’m sorry, but I feel like African Americans try to force their issues and personal baggage on others
BLM has become an Afro fascist movement, so far away in Japan they would have to include a message that says all lives matter
Imagine being so self centered that you bring BLM to a country with no history of blacks. If African Americans actually started building shit and making their own country instead of wasting 1 billion on hair products a year they could probably have good things
Okay, why can’t maadow host their own Olympics ? What does Japan have to do with the treatment of blacks in the USA ? I’m sorry, but I feel like African Americans try to force their issues and personal baggage on others
Japan doesn't really have any issues with black people. I think it's smart that they banned BLM from the olympics. Seperate politics from sports.

