Older Somalispot adeer fkding more than 20 years ago online

A couple of summers ago, there was a guy who used to quote Rigoberta
Manchu, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, in defence of Ahmed Omar Jess, the
vagabond from Kilil 5. This was because certain people wanted to equate
Jess, the charlatan, to Mohammed Abshir Musse, a Somali patriot from
Somalia proper. When Jess' proponents were told the truth, which is
basically that the two men are not of the same caliber and that they could
not be equated, a major acrimony ensued: people were being called names
and threatened with bodily harm. We all remember that, don't we folks?
Upto this date Jess' kinsmen haven't given up and are refusing to accept
the inevitable truth. But the facts belie their hate based arguments.
Let's examine the facts.
According to the latest news from Somalia, A government of national unity,
comprising of the major tribes of Somalia proper, was formed. At the top
of this national unity government there is a collective presidency
consisting of five men--Mohammed Abshir is among these men and he is a
first among equals. Mr Abshir is at the pivotal position where the future
of Somalia is being decided. By comparison, Ahmed Omar Jess' is still a
countryless refugee from Ethiopia. He has neither a role nor a hope to see
a position of leadership in my country after what he did in Kismayo, the
Harty city. He is essentially a fugitive from the law and an illegal alien
in Somalia.

But Mr Jess' status will change soon--for the worse. The new government's
international recognition as the legitimate representative of the Somalis
is imminent. The United States, the sole remaining superpower, has
sponsored the Addis peace talks, in which this Somali government was
formed. Ethiopia, the regional superpower, gave its blessing to the new
leadership, as did many other international organizations, such as the
European Union(E U), and the OAU. The international recognition of this
new leadership in our country spells serious trouble for Mr Jess.
For one thing, people like Jess and his boss, Aideed Jr, will be declared
armed bandits, and legally branded as terrorists who are disturbing the
peace and welfare of the Somalis. Arrest warrants will be issued for their
apprehension and the international community, particularly Ethiopia,
notified. In short, we will screw Ahmed Omar Jess legally. The fool
should have known what he was getting into the night he decided to murder
over 300 unarmed Harty men in Kismayo. Come to think of it, it is not only
Hartis who will be hunting him, because even Hawiye gentlemen who are
members of the collective presidency, Osman Atto and Ali Mahdi, have both
a grudge against the fool. Ali Mahdi, on one hand, will never forgive
Jess for having been allied to the late Aideed Sr. Osman Atto has also a
similar grudge. Jess' life, it could be surmised, ain't worth a
bucketful of warm spit...soon, real soon, lead(piombo) will penetrate his
body and turn it into something similar to Swiss cheese.

These are the facts. Ahmed Omar Jess is still and will always be a
murderer who has taken the lives of good men without any provocation. No
matter what he does or happens in Somalia, he will always be remembered
for these atrocities. By contrast, Mohammed Abshir is a well respected
Moslem who transcended tribalism and who is actively striving to find a
peaceful solution to the Somali civil war. To put the two at a par is

Shermarke, a devoted moslem brother and a Somali from Somalia proper.
* *
* "Bal waatasee, Darood la'aantii meel Gee" * "Bal waatasee, Darood la'aantii led ha maasho" *
* "Bal waatasee, Darood la'aantii lib ha heshoo" *

