Puntites if we clear the islamist, oil is going to be approved for us. Let those moryans stay in Bakaraha and send the moryan ones in Bosaso to go there wallahi, then puntites we all gonna 'eat' then. All we need to do is speak to the CIA thru PSF and says it's all clear now to go in PL and it's security cleared market place and not a threat to the world.
The CIA will have a business case to propose to the Saudis to 'cut' production and ensure PL 'eats' well from the global oil supply in OPEC. You can't produce oil untill you deal with 'OPEC' and ensure the 'largest' provider the 'saudis' are told 'cut production' so PL can fill that 'void' market. Saudis use the 'there is terrroists there' which they placed so they take the 'oil' market for themselves.
That's the reason they put wahabis everywhere to ensure they can tell the world there is no other reliable oil partner lol. Nice try you desert rats not in PL, we will become like DUBAI and not be played. We were richer then those areas and OMAN can verify who ran this region, those areas were 'desert' areas and had no empire like Oman.
Somalis think it's just about producing oil, no there is market 'demand' and there is no point just allowing all oil to come out, it needs to be done thru 'politics' not 'begging' companies like Hamar does who as you know is clue-less on politics and should remain under 'xalane' guidance like they used to be under oman guidance or italy guidance. If they don't choose this, they must come under PL guidance.
There is no way this 'fool' is coming onto the world stage and embarassing people with 300 years experience nor Isaaq who 'cries and begs' on TV and tries to manipulate local consumer and create 'policy advice' thru the 'media' which doesn't cut the mustard for CIA cause they know 'shareholders' of media people and their 'agendas'. I don't want anything to do with Habar gedir who is biggest stakeholder in this 'moryan' market the rest are 'allies' only.
Let's sit Ali Saleman down and say you gonna get 'billions' out of this not the pathetic 'millions' like the local market. We can tell him just 'relocate' those Islamist business men to 'hamar' and 'eat' in bakaraha and we will 'designate' that area 'as the islamist controlled market' while bosaso will be the 'clean' market and ready for oil injections.
The CIA will have a business case to propose to the Saudis to 'cut' production and ensure PL 'eats' well from the global oil supply in OPEC. You can't produce oil untill you deal with 'OPEC' and ensure the 'largest' provider the 'saudis' are told 'cut production' so PL can fill that 'void' market. Saudis use the 'there is terrroists there' which they placed so they take the 'oil' market for themselves.
That's the reason they put wahabis everywhere to ensure they can tell the world there is no other reliable oil partner lol. Nice try you desert rats not in PL, we will become like DUBAI and not be played. We were richer then those areas and OMAN can verify who ran this region, those areas were 'desert' areas and had no empire like Oman.
Somalis think it's just about producing oil, no there is market 'demand' and there is no point just allowing all oil to come out, it needs to be done thru 'politics' not 'begging' companies like Hamar does who as you know is clue-less on politics and should remain under 'xalane' guidance like they used to be under oman guidance or italy guidance. If they don't choose this, they must come under PL guidance.
There is no way this 'fool' is coming onto the world stage and embarassing people with 300 years experience nor Isaaq who 'cries and begs' on TV and tries to manipulate local consumer and create 'policy advice' thru the 'media' which doesn't cut the mustard for CIA cause they know 'shareholders' of media people and their 'agendas'. I don't want anything to do with Habar gedir who is biggest stakeholder in this 'moryan' market the rest are 'allies' only.
Let's sit Ali Saleman down and say you gonna get 'billions' out of this not the pathetic 'millions' like the local market. We can tell him just 'relocate' those Islamist business men to 'hamar' and 'eat' in bakaraha and we will 'designate' that area 'as the islamist controlled market' while bosaso will be the 'clean' market and ready for oil injections.