Ogaden Wajir leaders call for the creation of Wajir south county

Wajir south should be a county of its own. Ogaden lives in Wajir south, East and are majority of Wajir city

Ogaden leaders all stand behind Mp. Addow :salute:



This is long overdue. Along with the newly proposed Ijara County, this will cement Ogaden control of NEP and Kenya at large.

As a reminder if this happens:
  • Ogaden: 3 counties, over 12 national MPs, 3 senators
  • Degodi + Ajuran: 1 county, 4 MPs, 1 senator
  • Garre + Murulle: 1 county, 6 MPs, 1 senator
This is how things should have been in the first place. And the clueless Hutus here think these yaryars can compete with Ogaden