Official Somali IQ test results

So this is my IQ test results:


Mind you, these are the same tests that are meant to keep Africans -- more specifically Somalis down. If you look at our national score it'll show that we have an Intelligence Quotient of 68, below mental retardation! What's even more annoying is that these people didn't even test our population and yet have the audacity to support such claims. I know that IQ tests have no significance, but please take whatever they say with a grain of salt.
Mind you, these are the same tests that are meant to keep Africans -- more specifically Somalis down. If you look at our national score it'll show that we have an Intelligence Quotient of 68, below mental retardation! What's even more annoying is that these people didn't even test our population and yet have the audacity to support such claims. I know that IQ tests have no significance, but please take whatever they say with a grain of salt.
They didn't test any Somalis but calculated it based on the average of Kenya and Ethiopian IQ test results
Mind you, these are the same tests that are meant to keep Africans -- more specifically Somalis down. If you look at our national score it'll show that we have an Intelligence Quotient of 68, below mental retardation! What's even more annoying is that these people didn't even test our population and yet have the audacity to support such claims. I know that IQ tests have no significance, but please take whatever they say with a grain of salt.

I never believed the results were real. The people that conducted the tests were Arabs who believed in scientific racism. Of course they wouldn't be honest in their approach and their methodology proves that.

I believe the participants were in a Kenyan refugee camp and had never had any formal school. IQ test results are based on many factors such as educational background. The test revolves largely on numerical reasoning and numeracy skills.

I wouldn't have had this result if i wasn't highly educated and my score can improve over time. It is not based on genetics rather on educational attainment.

I just wanted to disprove the claims to anyone that believed in it.
They didn't test any Somalis but calculated it based on the average of Kenya and Ethiopian IQ test results

Ik, that's why it's BS. They want to claim that Somalis are mentally retarded and genetically prepossessed to mental illness. They tested random Kenyan and Ethiopian refugees in Spanish hospitals -- not even well-functioning human-beings, and came up with some stupid rhetoric that Africans are genetically inferior to other races. What's even more irritating is that they, to this day, despite their "theory" being debunked many times, keep pushing this narrative. Anyone who claims that the 68 IQ figure is remotely plausible is either a racist or a self-hater.
Anyways, I highly doubt that IQ strongly correlates with genetics. It mostly correlates with ones socioeconomic status. The more educated, well-nutrition, and well-nurtured a person is, the higher he is going to score on the IQ test. It's inevitable that Jimmy from the U.S is going to score much higher on the IQ test than Kwabe who didn't receive same amount nutrition and education as him. IQ only helps differentiate super geniuses and the really dumb; in which I highly doubt it can be put in race categories since most human beings are of average intelligence.
Anyways, I highly doubt that IQ strongly correlates with genetics. It mostly correlates with ones socioeconomic status. The more educated, well-nutrition, and well-nurtured a person is, the higher he is going to score on the IQ test. It's inevitable that Jimmy from the U.S is going to score much higher on the IQ test than Kwabe who didn't receive same amount nutrition and education as him. IQ only helps differentiate super geniuses and the really dumb; in which I highly doubt it can be put in race categories since most human beings are of average intelligence.

Exactly ! A university graduate will not have the same results as an illiterate farmer. As the test questions revolve around areas taught in school.

Fun fact

An individual breastfeed as a baby is more likely to get higher test result than a baby given forumla. This also applies to children raised on junk food in comparison to those given healthy nutritional food.


Mind you, these are the same tests that are meant to keep Africans -- more specifically Somalis down. If you look at our national score it'll show that we have an Intelligence Quotient of 68, below mental retardation! What's even more annoying is that these people didn't even test our population and yet have the audacity to support such claims. I know that IQ tests have no significance, but please take whatever they say with a grain of salt.
The guy who presented this "study" is white supremacists. A few facts to debunk the IQ map myth.
-they didn't test all countries, in some countries they used the average results of neighboring states.
-they ignored all results where blacks scored in the same range as whited
-in the case of equatorial Guinea (58 iq lowest in the world) they tested mentally disabled kids in special needs place in Spain.


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Mind you, these are the same tests that are meant to keep Africans -- more specifically Somalis down. If you look at our national score it'll show that we have an Intelligence Quotient of 68, below mental retardation! What's even more annoying is that these people didn't even test our population and yet have the audacity to support such claims. I know that IQ tests have no significance, but please take whatever they say with a grain of salt.
the 68 figure has been DEBUNKED time and time again on Somalispot.

A few years ago our friend @Thegoodshepherd compiled the test results of Somali High school students in Minnesota, their results in English Maths and Science were comparable to 100% white schools in the same state. The results was a representative sample, which effectively debunks the mythical 68 figure.

The idea that it 'might' be wrong is incorrect. it IS wrong and it's been proven statistically.


Anyways, I highly doubt that IQ strongly correlates with genetics. It mostly correlates with ones socioeconomic status. The more educated, well-nutrition, and well-nurtured a person is, the higher he is going to score on the IQ test. It's inevitable that Jimmy from the U.S is going to score much higher on the IQ test than Kwabe who didn't receive same amount nutrition and education as him. IQ only helps differentiate super geniuses and the really dumb; in which I highly doubt it can be put in race categories since most human beings are of average intelligence.
There is something called the flynn effect , test results had gone up in the last decades. Dutch people increased their IQ by 20 points between 1952 ans 1982. In the Uk and Us Black people of west african descent are one of the nist educated groups even better than whites. Nigerian americans are actually on average more educated than whites, in the Uk black snd brown people are over represented in the medical field. In 2004 4% of british doctors were black and only 0.9% of the uk population was of black descent.
If the average african was mentally reatarded as these people suggest then this wouldn't be possible. IQ is highly correlated with environment and education


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