Obesity a curse ? Interesting hadith

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Part of the minor signs of the last day is that obesity will become widespread as our Prophet (PBUH) prophesied, a phenomena that was unheard off during the time of the Prophet or even 60 years ago.

Narrated Ibn `Umar
Allah's Apostle said, "A believer eats in one intestine (is satisfied with a little food), and a kafir (unbeliever) or a hypocrite eats in seven intestines (eats too much)

We have an Ayah in the Quran that deals with topic.

“and eat and drink but waste not by extravagance, certainly He (Allaah) likes not Al‑Musrifoon (those who waste by extravagance)”
[al-A’raaf 7:31]

I just came across the following interesting hadith in Bukhari, just take a look who the obese people are being paired with, those that are untrustworthy, betrayers, give false witness etc.

This follows Umar Bin Khattab statement when a fat man praised his big belly as a blessing from Allah and Umar Responded no "it's a curse from Allah"

"The best of you are my generation, then those that follow them and then those that follow them. Then there shall come after them a people who will betray and be untrustworthy, will give witness even though they have not been asked to, will make vows yet will not fulfil them and obesity will appear amongst them." [Bukhari]

I am not surprised at all by this because throughout life the most nastiest, negative, disgusting people I have ever come across were the fat obese types (male or females)

Even in modern science they discovered there is 8 bacteria for every single human cell in the body, and that your gut microbe determines your mood, behaviour and way of thinking (e.g. Taxoplasma parasite in your stomach makes you more violent) I'll post the video of an interesting tedex talk on this subject at the end, this is without even dealing with the insecurity issues as a result of this disease.

This correlates with scholars like Ibn Qayim who dedicated an entire book on this subject, the ill effects of gluttony and how it affects the purity of the heart, mental alertness and deep insight, he writes that satiety generates stupidity and blinds the heart, hence the Arabic proverb "The one whose stomach is hungry will become able to think deeply and his intelligence will be honed"

It also comes as no surprise that in the list of the 10 fattest countries of 2017, 6 Arab countries make this list! Kuwait at number 1, Saudi Arabia at 2, UAE at 6, Qatar at 7, Jordan at 5 and Egypt at 4. No surprises why the most disgusting vile people you find on this earth hail from these places.



Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Gluttony is definitely a problem in the 21st century. Obesity however doesn’t always mean you eat too much, some people just have a slow metabolism.


You can't expect 99 % of the population to be fit, healthy and strong in a post-industralized world where we all work sedentary jobs and food/meat is in abundance. Most Gulf Arabs were desert nomads battling hunger, thirst and living off camel milk pre-20th century.
Gluttony is definitely a problem in the 21st century. Obesity however doesn’t always mean you eat too much, some people just have a slow metabolism.

That's all quackery, the same nonsense about gay gene and probably soon a paedophile gene, it's simply a pathetic excuse and hamster wheel rationalisation.

The same toxic meat, diary, Monsanto industries are pushing this narrative for profits and to ensure the status quo lasts, no one is born fat or obese into this world.

I was one of those people told that I had a slow metabolism, in fact if I binge on any oily, fatty, processed food for a single night I see the drastic effects the next morning, yet shifted 60 pounds very quickly eating pure organic natural foods.

In the Quran we are commanded to eat "pure, halal food" e.g. food in it's natural state. The same food the rest of humanity was consuming including our ancestors that were all lean, strong, healthy and beautiful.

There is absolutely no proof beyond quackery with regards to a gene that makes you predisposed to obesity. 99% of our mothers that used to be lean in the old days are today obese and now all their daughters have followed that same trend.
I have seen a lot of obese sheikhs. I will show them this Hadith next time I meet one of them.

watch this, the African American sheikh pulls no punches, he goes straight in! they all know about this but are unable to control their naf's when it comes to food, these hadiths fuelled a laymen like me to drop weight.

Just read all the sour grapes comments from all those prideful obese people that are happy with their condition attacking the man for telling the truth.

If you can't conquer your desire for food, you have no hope in this world to control the far stronger desire for the opposite sex (for those not married)

read this also, they all know about this! it's not a secret.
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Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
That's all quackery, the same nonsense about gay gene and probably soon a paedophile gene, it's simply a pathetic excuse and hamster wheel rationalisation.

The same toxic meat, diary, Monsanto industries are pushing this narrative for profits and to ensure the status quo lasts, no one is born fat or obese into this world.

I was one of those people told that I had a slow metabolism, in fact if I binge on any oily, fatty, processed food for a single night I see the drastic effects the next morning, yet shifted 60 pounds eating pure organic natural foods.

In the Quran we are commanded to eat "pure, halal food" e.g. food in it's natural state. The same food the rest of humanity was consuming including our ancestors that were all lean, strong, healthy and beautiful.

There is absolutely no proof beyond quackery with regards to a gene that makes you predisposed to obesity. 99% of our mothers that used to be lean in the old days are today obese and now all their daughters have followed that same trend.

It’s not bullshit, for some people it’s genetics, they naturally have a slow metabolism. That doesn’t mean that if they eat healthy they can’t loose weight. It also depends on the portions you eat and how regularly you eat. You can eat as much healthy organic food as you like, but if you’re eating large portions multiple times a day you’re not going to lose any weight.
It’s not bullshit, for some people it’s genetics, they naturally have a slow metabolism. That doesn’t mean that if they eat healthy they can’t loose weight. It also depends on the portions you eat and how regularly you eat. You can eat as much healthy organic food as you like, but if you’re eating large portions multiple times a day you’re not going to lose any weight.

The best advice comes from the Prophet (PBUH)

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: The son of Adam does not fill any vessel worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for the son of Adam to eat a few mouthfuls, to keep him going. If he must do that (fill his stomach), then let him fill one third with food, one third with drink and one third with air.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (2380)

To get an idea what 1/3 portion food size looks like relative to the size of a human's stomach, you can see this below.


A cup of 330ml water makes up the final 1/3 for the drink which according to the Prophets hadith must not be consumed at the same time as the food (only 30 minutes later)

Modern science has now backed this up by stating that water with a meal dilutes stomach acid resulting in slow digestion which results in the food putrefying in your gut. I used to have massive issues until I stopped this.

In terms of how many times a day you eat, we know from a hadith that all the Prophets ate only 1 meal a day and the righteous people ate 2 meals a day (excluding small snacks like dates/honey etc)

One of those predecessors was asked how about someone that eats more then this, and his response was to "prepare his coffin", these were man that fought battles into their 60's at 45+ Degrees temperatures, walking an entire month to reach Tabuk in that intense heat to meet the Roman armies.

If we examine the Prophets favourite foods it was Honey/Barley/Dates/figs/grapes/melon/Mushroom etc. starch based food with fruits/vegetables, all natural food without oils unlike what we consume!

He was a semi vegiterian that ate meat very rarely unlike us that consume it everyday sometimes on multiple occasions, Umar Bin Khattab banned this practice under his rule.

For exercise the Prophet emphasised "fast walking", today according to several studies done they recommend this over "jogging" with studies proofing you loose more calories through fast paced walking rather then jogging which puts a lot of strain on your knees.

This is the Prophetic way of eating, this charade about fat genes or low metabolism (which they told me I had as well) is nothing more then hot air.
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