NY Times exposé on Dictator Failmaajo: A criminal hiding from The IRS!

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The NY Times exposed Farmaajo's financial crimes, his political crimes and his immigration fraud. This man is a fugitive, hiding from America. He can't even spin this or defend his actions so he refused to even comment.

Mr. Mohamed did not respond to a request for an interview or to questions sent to his aides.

  • Mr. Mohamed played divisive clan politics and began to feud openly with the country’s regional leaders, undermining the power-sharing system that underpins Somali stability.
  • Mr. Mohamed failed to hold elections when his four-year term ended in February, then moved to extend his rule by two years — a step many Somalis viewed as a naked power grab.
  • A furious political dispute turned violent on Sunday when a series of gunfights broke out between rival military factions in the capital, Mogadishu, evoking fears that Somalia, after years of modest yet gradual progress, could descend into the kind of clan-based bloodshed that ripped it apart in the 1990s.
  • Now Mr. Mohamed’s democratic credentials lie in tatters and he is in an open confrontation with his former ally, the United States, where he still has a family home.
  • Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken has publicly threatened to sanction Mr. Mohamed and other Somali officials, and this week American officials reiterated calls for Somalia to hold elections immediately.
  • “His entire brain power is focused on his ascendancy, and how he can dominate the scene,” said Abdirashid Hashi, a former cabinet minister under Mr. Mohamed. “His brinkmanship allowed him to get away with a lot. But now all those tactical moves have culminated in the fiasco we are in.”
  • Yet Mr. Mohamed also relies heavily on other regional powers — continuing to receive funding from Qatar and allying with the autocratic president of Eritrea, Isaias Afwerki, whose military has trained thousands of Somali troops, Western and Somali officials say.
  • “It comes as cash and it’s uncounted,” Abdirizak Mohamed, a former interior minister and now opposition lawmaker, said of the Qatari funds. “It’s an open secret.”
  • Now Mr. Mohamed is confined to Villa Somalia, the presidential compound in central Mogadishu, as military units loyal to his most powerful opponents — a coalition of presidential candidates and the leaders of two of Somalia’s five regional states — camp on a major junction a few hundred yards away.
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They exposed Fahad Yaasiin, the power behind Failmaajo and Failmaajo's financial issues that made him cut up his American Passport and run away from Buffalo.

  • In late 2018, he arrested a potential rival, sparking protests in which at least 15 people were killed, and weeks later expelled the United Nations envoy, accusing him of meddling in Somali affairs.
  • Mr. Mohamed came to rely heavily on his powerful spy chief, Fahad Yasin, whose security services detained and tortured independent journalists, according to human rights groups, United Nations and Western officials.
  • Mr. Yasin, a former journalist with Al Jazeera, had become a conduit for unofficial Qatari funds that were used to help get Mr. Mohamed elected, and which he used to solidify his political base while in power, the officials said — part of a wider proxy battle for influence between rival oil-wealthy Persian Gulf states in the strategically located country.
  • A spokesman for the Qatari government said in an emailed statement that Qatar “wholly rejects the claims about transferring undeclared cash and operating a shadow relationship,” and that the country “plays a constructive role in Somalia.”
  • Some in Mr. Mohamed’s inner circle, including Colonel Sheikh, grew disillusioned and quit. “I said to myself: ‘These people are bad news,’” he said.
  • In 2019, Mr. Mohamed gave up his American citizenship. He didn’t explain the decision, but officials familiar with the matter pointed to one possible factor.
  • At the time Mr. Mohamed surrendered his passport, his finances had come under investigation by the Internal Revenue Service in the United States, said three Western officials familiar with the matter, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter about a foreign head of state.
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Failmaajo gave up his American Nationality because he was running away from the IRS. Somalia's squatter-in chief is a Republican criminal, a fugitive.

But of course, he spun this as a "I am a nationalist" and his fans ate it up.


"At the time Mr. Mohamed surrendered his passport, his finances had come under investigation by the Internal Revenue Service in the United States, said three Western officials familiar with the matter, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter about a foreign head of state"

"Mr. Mohamed’s office did not respond to questions about an I.R.S. audit."

That's not all!

This squatter and fugitive may have also committed IMMIGRATION FRAUD! He is a Canadian citizen. So, if he sought asylum in Canada as well as America, they can get him for not only trying to cheat the IRS but also for immigration fraud.

"Mr. Mohamed came to the United States in 1985 as a junior diplomat at the Somali Embassy and, as his country tumbled into conflict, decided to stay.
A family friend said he first applied for political asylum in Canada, where his mother and siblings lived, and later obtained a Canadian passport.
But in the early 1990s, Mr. Mohamed, newly married, moved back to the United States where his family eventually settled in Grand Island, next to Buffalo and Niagara Falls."
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This criminal was raised on haram money from Siad Barre's mafia "government" , nobody should be surprised that he is also a criminal, a fugitive, squatter who cannot even pay his taxes.

No wonder he's clinging onto that kursi with all his might, someone please find American law on IRS cheaters and immigration fraud, I want to know if former Presidents are exempt from being extradited.

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IRS, money and sanctions is the tools America uses to control and discipline individuals who go against their interests. Good thing Farmaajo doesn't care about that and chose to renounce his US citizenship so he would not be liable like all the jajuus in the government.

Every Somali politician should be required to renounce foreign citizenship and hold only Somali citizenship.


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
This criminal was raised on haram money from Siad Barre's mafia "government" , nobody should be surprised that he is also a criminal, a fugitive, squatter who cannot even pay his taxes.

No wonder he's clinging onto that kursi with all his might, someone please find American law on IRS cheaters and immigration fraud, I want to know if former Presidents are exempt from being extradited.


Not surprised,I will call the IRS first thing in the morning and report this khasaaro fraud and cunning thug, Walahi,I knew something wasnt right when Farmaajo transfered his Buffalo house property to one of his wife's sisters, iIeyn IRS had him by the balls.:mjlol::pachah1:

Anyways, not sure if IRS can extradite him from Mogadishu but even if they put more sanctions on this theif,it is win win for me and everyone else, inshallah, saving this murderer from doing more harm on innocent Somalis is must and is on us.

Walahi, as an a Somali American we don't tolerate for ungratefull Somalis like Farmaajo who for years drained both state and federal resources for decades through welfare and subsided housings and then turns around to defrauds the IRS, what a loser.:childplease:
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[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
@Pwyneth Galtrow

A friend of mine who is one of the Somali Buffalo residents told me that Farmaajo was a well known scammer and most of the Somali community there are awere of his reputation ans don't trust him at him at all.

He also told me that Farmaajo was infact seeking to apply a postion as an ambassader when Sheikh Sharif appointed him for a PM and this was even a shock to Farmaajo himself:francis:

Long story my sources also added that at first Farmaajo started commiting small and petty schemes such us receiving food stamp while driving a Cab and living in subsided housing for zero pay and later graduated defrauding the city elections.:ohlord:

He also dded that the dictator wanna be warlord use to even hide his marriage to his wife and having children to the authorties in order to collect more welfare, this is why his marraige to Seynab Moalim(a part time day care nanny) was officialy registered in 2010 after they had four kids togheter out of wedlock and as a Boyfriend/GF. :deadrose: :deadrose::deadosama: :dead:

There was also a part of an article that I read many while back that was pretty odd and funny as well, the article was printed on one of the western news sites which I am going to look for and share with ya'll.

The article interviewed one of Farmaajo's former employers and proffessors in the inner communtiy school he worked at,it mentions that unemployed Farmaajo begged the dean proffessor to give him a chance to teach the one day class on conflict resolution without a teacher's certifications.:what::wtfdis:

When the Prof asked Farmaajo why he responded by saying there that the position will look good at on his resume and he would finally be able to claim that he is professor in a NY colleges which was a lie, he wasn't even a full lecturer just only a one day substitute in the slums of Buffalo which requires only a bachelors:mjlol:
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Support interracial love 💕
I knew Farmaajo was a con artist, but ducking the IRS too :mjlol: He really is a Republican
Farmaajo and trump


It's all so tiresome
At first I wasn't a fan of Farmaajo but now I'm an air conditioner. He has some balls.

This is what happens when you don't have a functioning economy.

All the ambitious people are left to fight over the only cake available... Government coffers.
Typical hit piece from the New York Times that brought us the stories of "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq.

They atleast were honest about him having the support of majority of ordinary Somalis.

"His firm position is popular among ordinary Somalis weary of foreign interference.

"The president is working for the interests of Somalia " said Abdihakim Ali, 43, speaking by phone from Kismayo town, in the south of the country. "Foreigners don't want this."
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