NOT SO SHOCKING!: A Large Group Of Ethiopians Attacks A White Boy


Coping through the 1st world
“You see the flag bi*ch, you see the flag bi*ch”

This is why I don’t claim other Horners:

Shame Facepalm GIF by MOODMAN
Wow, Ethiopian Americans do that?
Is this a result of AA influence or do they naturally behave like that back in the Horn? I remember reading somewhere that Ethiopians do not get along with other Horners.
Wow, Ethiopian Americans do that?
Is this a result of AA influence or do they naturally behave like that back in the Horn? I remember reading somewhere that Ethiopians do not get along with other Horners.
I just saw you are Taiwanese, what brings you to this forum? The reason for them chimping out is probably due to nature and a bit of AA influence. The people in this video are Oromo, who are the largest ethnic group in Ethiopia. "Ethiopian" is an identity that was created in the mid to late 20th century just like country was "created", it has no historical relevance in terms of it's size etc. Most Ethnic groups in Ethiopia do not get a long with each, despite Oromos being the largest group in Ethiopia they are still subjected and treated badly by the Amahra. Most Oromos (from my experience talking to them) nowadays want to their own country and do not like being called Ethiopian, but if they do secede it will break the Federal State of Ethiopia and cause other regions to declare independence. Any region can technically secede according to the constitution but of course the Ethiopian government and the west would never let that happen.

fake country.png
I have a hard time telling an Oromo person from a Tigray person or other ethnic groups in the Horn who look similar (except for some ethnic group in Eritrea and Somali), tbh.
But if that is their mindset then I respect it.
I just saw you are Taiwanese, what brings you to this forum?
Curiosity. Mainstream African-related stuff are predominantly influenced by AA culture.
Little representation for Horn Afican and N.African.
Plus people are discussing interesting genetic stuff in the culture & history board. Before viewing some threads in that board I didn't even know the existence of ancient Azanians/South Cushites.
I have a hard time telling an Oromo person from a Tigray person or other ethnic groups in the Horn who look similar, tbh.
But if that is their mindset then I respect it.
A lot of Oromos have gone through Amharaization and Somalization they are still Cushitic but are less Cushitic than afars. Ethnic Somalis are the most Cushitic. Oromos tend to be slightly darker and tend to have a bit of Cushitic look (sometimes tall. small nose, high cheekbones etc) while Tigrayans are lighter and have Semitic features (hooked nose, short, body hair etc)

Majority of Oromos and Tigrayan have kinky hair as well unlike Somalis, since it's very very rare for ethnic Somalis to have that. It might be hard to tell Horners apart at first but once you really look into it should be very easy. This guy made a brilliant video using Somalis as the base sample for Cushitic ancestry in Africa.

Curiosity. Mainstream African-related stuff are predominantly influenced by AA culture.
Little representation for Horn Afican and N.African.
Plus people are discussing interesting genetic stuff in the culture & history board.
Awesome, what are you thoughts on Japanese origins? I've read things online by Japanese supremist denying their yayoi admixture
Plus people are discussing interesting genetic stuff in the culture & history board. Before viewing some threads in that board I didn't even know the existence of ancient Azanians/South Cushites.
Southern Cushites are nearly existent due to the Bantu Expansion(s), however Rendile and Tutsi are of mostly southern Cushitic ancestry. Despite what PC Westerners say, pure Tutsi tend to have less than 10-20% Bantu admixture but cluster closer to Nilotes and Borana Oromos in Northern Kenya. I think better sampling data needs to done for these groups
@anon2 Thanks for the in-depth explanation. Will check Gamal's videos (watched a couple of his and read some stuff on Awale's Anthromadness blog).

I have no I will check it out. Thank you
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Awesome, what are you thoughts on Japanese origins? I've read things online by Japanese supremist denying their yayoi admixture
It's simple. They are majority yayoi+ a minor amount of Jomon. Their natives, the Ainu, seem to be predominantly descended from a Jomon-related group.

These Jomons harbor substantial admixture from ancient north eurasians. Other ethnic groups who are classified by 20th century pseudo anthropologists as "mongoloid races" but look hilariously off (such as the native americans) also carry that ANE component iirc.

Now back to my interpretation, well, the 20th century "anthropologists" classify the Jomon groups as "archaic caucasian race", back then Japanese identify as "whites', plus they despise other east's honestly quite easy to make a guess as to why their government/supremacists make such claims. Btw, yayoi people likely took an out-of-KOREA migration route, hence I can absolutely see why some Japanese deny this part of their gene pool.
I have no I will check it out. Thank you
Anyway still a big thank you for the video. Been a while since the person updates and I have not checked his older stuff.
White dude was harassing an Oromo woman. Then got his just due. Somalis would've done the same lol.

If this is the case, I 100% support it.

The arrogance of this cracker harassing a woman in front of her own people. I love how people are not asking for the full video and back story. If it was a white attacking they definitely would like to get the full picture of what led up to it.