not married because...

Chun Li

under construction 😈💖
1) Considering one’s anxiety towards introducing their partner, to their family, can be deemed natural, I think if it’s a serious issue, then marriage shouldn’t be no.1 on the priority list. Not saying they should discard marriage, but they should prioritize building up their confidence & being firm in their personality & skin.

2) Of course, parents will judge their child’s partner, to some extent, as it’s only normal for them to want the best for their child. If it’s an issue where they are being condescending & patronising to the significant other, surely it’s the man or woman’s responsibility to defend their relationship.

3) No one should be pressured into having a wedding ceremony. There’s already the financial burden that must be taken care of & it’s very expensive. The venue may be cancelled & the money would go to waste. Even if it was successful, it was for one night. Money from one night would go far if it was invested in shares, helping to build the couple’s financial stability for their future. That money could be used to travel to many countries & help bring the couple closer to each other, which is far better than a wedding experience.

4) People are going to judge, regardless of whether or not the bride, groom & family look the part. It’s within the nature of those who gossip & are envious to witness others’ success.

5) Again, those who are shy to put themselves out there should reflect on themselves. Why do they feel shy? Why do they believe that they should shy away from their feelings? Do they believe they are not worthy (of love)? These are some of the questions they should ask themselves. Being shy isn’t bad, but too much shyness won’t help anybody. For example, if you break a leg, you won’t be shy to ask for assistance because you know you need it. Why be shy when it comes to love, when you know it’s a feeling you want to experience (especially if all stages are smooth sailing)? It might be a terrible analogy, but hopefully it gets people thinking...

