Not a conspiracy theorist


Thoughts 🧐🧐🧐🧐
I’m starting to believe the problem with our community as far as social media is outside inteferance .

please don’t view this post as a conspiracy theory just an honest Analysis
Why did you highlight his comment? What are you insinuating?
“Trust me every demographic is being fed the worst about themselves, not only us. Most nations have bots to try and control their narrative but this algorithm is way too powerful, almost demonic in a way. Just try your best to limit your time online and always remember most people don't think like that in person. Real life experiences”
They get the women and children first. The men will then lose hope and follow suit. Easy peazy lemon squeezy.

Community is replaced by government, convenience and individualism. Real tradition and religion is replaced by dogma. Intellectual thought is replaced by rational thinking of no substance. I can keep going.

