North Africans on French Twitter crying again about losing their girls to West African Muslim chads


Boqor of Boqors. The man your wife fantasises of.
One thing i would say is that those same Black men could NEVER bag girls like that in the UK. Wtf is up with France :russ:


Ugaas of the supreme gentleman
This is a tweet from today, how was it posted before? 68 iq
That image with some racist shit being said by a North African guy? It's pretty hard to differentiate when you keep seeing the same brain-dead posts.


Highly Respected
That image with some racist shit being said by a North African guy? It's pretty hard to differentiate when you keep seeing the same brain-dead posts.

It happens all the time because the North Africans are experiencing a genocide in the streets of Marseille and Paris :russ: :russ: