Nigerian professor Opeyemi Enoch cracks 156-year-old maths problem

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This Geeljire kid wants to have his cake and eat it, too.:heh:

There is more of a genetic and ethnic difference between the different tribes in the Somali peninsula than there are between Nigerians of different ethnic groups. This is an absolutely indisputable fact. Nigerians share the same macro-cultural habits and the same macro-language (many of the languages spoken by the different ethnic groups are merely different dialects of one another). If you want to push the nonsensical propaganda of a "Somali ethnicity", you also must accept the idea of a "Nigerian ethnicity" which makes even more sense than a "Somali ethnicity". The different ethnic groups of Nigeria are much more closely related and share a common descent than do the different and unrelated tribes living in the Somali peninsula.

Prove it. You can't prove it because you know you're wrong. When have you ever been correct on anything?

And second of all, change your username. It makes you look like a jackass.
Here we have a Nigerian Professor solving a complex math problem which no one before him has ever done. He's accomplished a lot and deserves nothing but praise.

But the idiots on this thread like @Darod_Supremacy and @waraabe who want to turn this thread into a racial war just epitomizes what's wrong with some of the Somalis on this forum. Idiots.

It's like we can't even stop for 5 minutes and celebrate this man's achievements. Instead, we have these open racists on this thread who are just propagating bigotry and racism. May Allah continue to disgrace you.
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