Newsom asks all Californians to voluntarily reduce water usage by 15% amid drought

Damn Droughts In The West No Wonder The Horn Is Getting More Rain Can't Wait Untill Opone/Haafun Is Getting Rebuild Again She Will Shine Once More

Good, hope he starts implementing a water ration. Nothing makes me happier than Americans struggling, hope the opioid crisis comes back with a vengence too :rejoice:


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Good, hope he starts implementing a water ration. Nothing makes me happier than Americans struggling, hope the opioid crisis comes back with a vengence too :rejoice:

The land of Brave & FREE! I am listening to the American anthem right now hater!!
Yes it is doable, but naah not me. I hate Somalis who open the tap water while they comb theire hair, talk or walk around home. So annoying. I maximize use of water.
I’m guilty of doing it from time to time. For example letting cold water run for a bit while brushing my teeth. But yh that’s good