New Somali Ethiopian Regional State Map - DDSI

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Suldaanka Gobyare
Walle Ciise(Issa) waa rageedi. Gobolka Shinile (Siti) has grown tremendous. The Issa are making all of us Somalis proud! :up:

Plus more woredas added to the regional state. Even though the latest map from 2015 it's still not up to date since a lot of changes were made this year.

Somali Regional State in the past.



Somali Regional State in the present


The Awash river like the Nile river to Ethiopia is beesha Direeds God given right. Even though the Issa dominate the zone , the Gurgura, Gadabursi and Hawiye who live there will benefit from the river too.

A quick look into the conflict.



:blessed: Awash River!

It will feed every Somali in it's proximity. Irrigation, crops, energy, fishing, the river is a blessing to us all!

One time for my brothers.



Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
They expanded Bokh and Galadi at the cost of Danot. I don't see Gal Xamur in Bokh for some reason.
It seems that the border between Warder and Degehbur zones is a clan border.

@Rooble I disagree with you that Issa will be able to capture Awash. The Habesha want the Afar and Isse to be in conflict so they can play one off the other. They have no interest in one group winning outright. Divide and conquer and divide again to maintain control is the name of the game. I also disagree with you that Awash will feed the Somalis in DDSI. What will feed them will be the Shabelle valley which is the most valuable land in DDSI. A major priority for DDSI will be to stop oromo claims on places like Jinacsani north of Jigajiga in fafan and in some places near Nogob.


Oromo claim a lot of Somali land nacaladda need to stop breeding bunch of useless monkeys. I hope the karbaash they're getting from Habeshida keeps them in check.


Suldaanka Gobyare
The conflict is one created by colonials.

Didn't you say Galxamur was created this year. This is the map of 2015. Much has changed so you will probably see it on the new one.

The Awash river will contribute with irrigation for crops. Somalis already settle next to the Awash. It doesn't need to be conquered but adding it to the kilil would be great.

The Harawo valley currently already feeds most of DDSI and the surrounding regions.

The Oromo region still owns a lot of Somali land but everything with time.
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We will keep on expanding, but the real problem are the bloody Oromo people, dire dawa use to be all Somalis Dirs now its packed with oromos claiming its their homeland, they are an infestation , when i was in djibouti also they are beggers and maids . They claim we are all djboutiian , bunch of dick riders , then stab you in the back


Suldaanka Gobyare
We will keep on expanding, but the real problem are the bloody Oromo people, dire dawa use to be all Somalis Dirs now its packed with oromos claiming its their homeland, they are an infestation , when i was in djibouti also they are beggers and maids . They claim we are all djboutiian , bunch of dick riders , then stab you in the back

The city is already a Somali stronghold my Issa friend.


Regional & Federal Studies

Volume 24, Issue 5, 2014
Special Issue: Federalism and Decentralization in Sub-Saharan Africa
Ethnic Decentralization and the Challenges of Inclusive Governance in Multiethnic Cities: The Case of Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
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