New insight on the only "different" version of the Quran


The Ṣanʿāʾ palimpsest, discovered in 1972 in the great mosque of Ṣanʿāʾ in Yemen, is the only Quranic manuscript we know of that differs significantly from the standard Uthmanic Quran. It has been radiocarbon dated to earlier than 669CE with 95% accuracy and earlier than 646CE with 75% probability making it one of the earliest Quranic manuscripts in existence! For those of you that don't know, a palimpsest is a manuscript page where the original text has been removed and a new text has been written over it. This was common before the invention of paper because people often wrote on parchment made from animal skin which is expensive to make. The upper text of the Ṣanʿāʾ palimpsest conforms to the skeleton of the standard Uthmanic text. By exposing the fragments to UV light, researchers were able to read and decipher the lower text that had been rubbed off and they found that it differs from the standard Uthmanic texts in word choices (sometimes with complete omission or addition of words), sentence structure, and chapter order. There was some debate in academia about the nature of the lower text. Asma Hilali who was one of the researchers that helped translate the lower text hypothesised that the palimpsest was the product of a teaching exercise in which a senior teacher dictated to students who then wrote the Quran. Others believed that it was physical evidence for the existence of the companion codices. Codicological studies conducted by Dr Éléonore Cellard on the 80 or so fragments (represents approximately 40% of the Quran) has recently discredited Asma Hilali's hypothesis as the reconstruction of the palimpsests has shown that they were part of a codex produced by professional scribes. She has also been able to reconstruct some of the page ordering and it shows similarities to what has been reported in the Islamic tradition about the content and structure of the companion codices but with some differences as well. Either way, it's a very interesting insight into the formative years of Islam.

Here is her twitter thread that summarises her findings:

And here is the full article:


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Is it a different version? Whats different about it and the actual Quran?
There are some variations and tbh it doesn't matter because Uthman RA standardized the Qur'an in book form and all other copies were to be burnt. This one was rewritten on top of with the standard text and they managed to see the older version with a UV scan


I dont think its a different version i just think it had a bunch of scribal errors that were corrected after.
That’s what some people hypothesised but Dr Eleonore’s Codicological findings makes that extremely unlikely. We also know that there were competing Qurans during this time period, before Uthman standardised the text. Ibn Masud’s codex was also used in Kufa for almost a century. If it had some spelling differences in small places it could be a bad copy but it’s a lot more than that.


Also to add to that, the lower text of the Sanaa palimpsest has a high probability of being written down before 646CE, which is at least 5-6 years before the standardisation of the Quran. So there was not really an exemplar for them to copy it from. That’s why it most likely is a competing tradition, that combined with the fact that the parchments were formerly part of a codex produced (most likely) by professional scribes.