Neuro-linguistic programming & the war for your mind

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

Walter Lippmann, an American intellectual, writer and two-time Pulitzer Prize winner brought forth one of the first works concerning the usage of mass media in America. In Public Opinion (1922), Lippmann compared the masses to a “great beast” and a “bewildered herd” that needed to be guided by a governing class. He described the ruling elite as “a specialized class whose interests reach beyond the locality.” This class is composed of experts, specialists and bureaucrats. According to Lippmann, the experts, who often are referred to as “elites,” are to be a machinery of knowledge that circumvents the primary defect of democracy, the impossible ideal of the “omnicompetent citizen.” The trampling and roaring “bewildered herd” has its function: to be “the interested spectators of action,” i.e. not participants. Participation is the duty of “the responsible man”, which is not the regular citizen.

Mass media and propaganda are therefore tools that must be used by the elite to rule the public without physical coercion. One important concept presented by Lippmann is the “manufacture of consent”, which is, in short, the manipulation of public opinion to accept the elite’s agenda. It is Lippmann’s opinion that the general public is not qualified to reason and to decide on important issues. It is therefore important for the elite to decide “for its own good” and then sell those decisions to the masses.

“That the manufacture of consent is capable of great refinements no one, I think, denies. The process by which public opinions arise is certainly no less intricate than it has appeared in these pages, and the opportunities for manipulation open to anyone who understands the process are plain enough. . . . as a result of psychological research, coupled with the modern means of communication, the practice of democracy has turned a corner. A revolution is taking place, infinitely more significant than any shifting of economic power. . . . Under the impact of propaganda, not necessarily in the sinister meaning of the word alone, the old constants of our thinking have become variables. It is no longer possible, for example, to believe in the original dogma of democracy; that the knowledge needed for the management of human affairs comes up spontaneously from the human heart. Where we act on that theory we expose ourselves to self-deception, and to forms of persuasion that we cannot verify. It has been demonstrated that we cannot rely upon intuition, conscience, or the accidents of casual opinion if we are to deal with the world beyond our reach.”
–Walter Lippmann, Public Opinion


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The first thing you learn when you go to school is how to spell. Words are spelled to create a sentence of terms. Think of a jail sentence or a prison term. The Wyrd sisters in Greek mythology were Fates or witches who controlled the fates of man. In our language we use curse words and cursivewriting. We cuss and dis-cuss. Words have meaning and (are) mean things especially cross words. They can be used to make a point. We use a "con" verse to converse in order to keep us off course in our dis-course as a phrase frays. We use catch words. A story is a spiel or a spell. It is all part of the gospel of the Godspell or God's spell.

The first thing you learn when you go to school is how to spell. Words are spelled to create a sentence of terms. Think of a jail sentence or a prison term. The Wyrd sisters in Greek mythology were Fates or witches who controlled the fates of man. In our language we use curse words and cursivewriting. We cuss and dis-cuss. Words have meaning and (are) mean things especially cross words. They can be used to make a point. We use a "con" verse to converse in order to keep us off course in our dis-course as a phrase frays. We use catch words. A story is a spiel or a spell. It is all part of the gospel of the Godspell or God's spell.


Books contain chapters. What is a chapter? A chapter is a secret society or religious order, like the Knights Templar. A chapter contains many pages. What is a page? A page is an understudy and in service to the queen and king, as in pages and squires, a knight who is well versed in magic and is more or less a soldier or trained assassin. To page someone is to summons them. Pages summon demons to enslave or imprison our souls. After all, a page does contain many sentences. A jail sentence is served in a prison ward. And indeed a sentence is created by words that are spelled out by using letters. A letter is someone who allows something to happen or someone who does something for some one else, like a bloodletter.

We languish in our languid language. Languid means "weak and lacking spirit or void of animation, lifeless" and languish which means "to lose strength or animation; be or become dull, feeble or spiritless; lackadaisical, listless". . How are we imprisoned by our language? Think about a book. The word book as a verb means to arrest or detain -- "book 'em, Danno". In fact, the Latin word for book is "liber", which is where we get our word "library" and also the word "liberty". You can book a reservation which means you're paying for the ownership of something in advance. You can book or place a bet on a game or race with your bookie. Yes, there is a bet being placed on a race -- and it is the human race and the game is the game of life. It is the main bet or the alpha bet. In a group of monkeys, the alpha monkey is the primary monkey or the one in control.

There's a song called Spirits in the Material World from an album named Ghost in the Machine. The lyrics proclaim, "Our so-called leaders speak. With words they try to jail ya.
They subjugate the meek. Where do the answers lie when we live from day to day? We are spirits in a material world." The song was performed by a group appropriately named, The Police. The song -- and an entire album by Sting, the lead singer, entitled The Soul Cages -- refers to how we are spirits imprisoned in an earthly body.

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Most words have multiple meanings and synonyms not to mention many anagrams which the subconscious mind can recognize. Factor in its homophones such as "there", "they're", and "their" and it can get quite confusing to keep track. What effect does that have when words with almost opposite meanings are homophones. Think about "know" and "no". Knowledge is considered a very positive word yet it is linked phonetically with the most negative word in our language. So when you say "I know this to be true" are you partiallly negating its reality? Consider the above statement in which the letters of the words have been rearranged, yet you still should be able to read it without problem. This means your subconscious mind should also relate multiple meanings to words have many anagrams. So it shouldn't be any problem to associate God as good, the devil as evil. Now consider the following word relationships: live, evil; god, dog; love, evol.

Pronouncing the words has a pronounced effect. The science of cymatics shows how all spoken sounds take on a vibratory geometry or shape like how you can blow smoke rings by forming your mouth into the shape of the 'O'. The tibetan monks show how sound can be used to form geometric patterns in a plate of sand particles. So the spoken word can indeed create reality.

Also consider the mind's ability to combine words and sounds. When someone sneezes you feel customarily obligated to say "Bless you". But if you sound out the syllables does your subconscious mind also make the connection to the phrase "Be less, you". So the very act of blessing someone can also be subconsciously telling them to be less. This is spell casting.

How are we being programmed through our language to go to the sun or hell? Hello?!!!! Helios was the Greek name for the sun. The sun in English as well as other languages such as Latin, is called Sol. We are all said to be souls or to have a soul (Sol). We have a solar plexus and our feet have soles. Sole is sun in Italian. You are called a person (pertaining to the sun). When a male child is born, he is called a son (sun). The word for sun is sonne in German. Hu was one of the twelve gods in the Egyptian stellar cult which could explain why we are human. Colors and hues originate from the light of the sun. Politicians encourage soldiers or sol diers to go to war for God and country. Of course, when they die they will go to another dimension (die men sun).

Have you ever wondered why we use the word hello to greet each other? After all, the word can be reduced to hell, the fiery place of eternal punishment and the suffix -o which means "associated with". In Greek mythology, Helios, which means "sun", was the God of the Sun. Is it just a coincidence that you have a soul and that our sun is called Sol? If so, why do we call those who die in battle soldiers or sol diers? Is that why we say "good morning" when the sun rises -- because it is good to see the sun because it gives us life, but we are mourning those who sacrificed their souls to make it possible. Why do we call our male offspring sons? You are called a person. Is it because you pertain to the sun?

Words are defined in a dictionary -- dick-shun-nary. Two of the three syllables are negative sounds and theother is a derogative slang term. Synonyms and antonyms are listed in a thesaurus. 'The', from the greek 'theos', is the root of the-ology, the study of 'god' and 'saurus' means 'lizard'. A thesaurus literally means 'lizard god'. How many names for government entities start with a negative prefix. The word nation is nay-shun. The UN, Un-ited nations, NATO, NASI party, NASA, Norad, Unesco, NASCAR, NATAS, and I'm sure you can come up with others.

Sigmund Freud, the father of psychology, invented a model of the psyche which contained three parts to the self: the ego (conscious mind), the superego (superconscious mind) and what he termed the "id" or the subconscious mind. This was the realm of our fears: scary monsters and demons. This id was considered a sort of third person subsistent to the conscious and superconscious mind. Of course, we use the word "it" as a sort of third "person" as well in our use of speech. And, of course, subconsciously we have been programmed to accept the abbreviated "ID" as our identity. We unknowingly give power to this creature and help create "it" every day with our thought and speech. We watch the horor movie "It" by Stephen King and associate all our deep dark subconscious fears with "IT". Likewise with the word "thing" ('everything'. 'anything', and 'nothing' or no thing) and the use of ambiguous words such as 'they' (THEY live), 'them' ("If you can't beat 'em join them"). We chant the chorus to the song Let It Be over and over again. And it's no coincidence that IT is the acronym that has been curently assigned to the Information Technology field, or computers, for IT very well may be an artificial intelligence or computer. For a detailed analysis and many more examples of "IT" please reference my page on this phenomenon. Extra! Extra! Click here to "read all about IT".

We really need to learn to speak with a more conscious language in mind, ever aware of how we think our thoughts in our minds and how we word our sentences!!


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
George Orwell complained about the distorted language of politics in his essay ‘Politics and the English Language’ and also in his later works such as ‘1984’. In particular the concept of ‘doublespeak’ was alluded to.

Doublespeak is when language has been distorted. In modern times we call that propaganda or spin but there is a reason for it. Soundbites that are repeated have a greater influence on the mind in the voting booth than long and passionate speeches which tend to be forgotten about ten seconds after the speaker has finished – but speeches are effective in that the feelings are what matter.

Indeed, if you can connect with people on an emotional level then they will absorb in what you say and take action. ‘Take back control’ was an effective soundbite in this regard as many liked the message and wanted control of the borders and to a lesser extent our sovereignty – the high turnouts in the North which is primarily against immigration show this. The young by contrast – who largely didn’t vote, had no-one speaking to them and decided that they couldn’t understand any of it so didn’t vote.

However, as Frank Luntz’s, the modern day wordsmith expert, says in his book ‘Words that Work’ ‘it is not what you say, it is what people hear’ and that is how Vote Leave won the referendum. People assumed that ‘take back control’ was that the UK would have exit controls on our borders.

Unfortunately, for them they have been lied to by this ‘doublespeak’. When Boris Johnson said ‘take back control’ he said it in a different way than what he meant. He said ‘we can take back control’ which is not the same as ‘we are going to take back control’. They both imply the same thing (and voters would have heard the same thing) but they don’t mean the same thing and that is crucial.


The shit is deep. I took a neuro-linguisitc course and it was very interesting but it was often based on shaky principles. Heck it's not even theory since it doesn't show predictable experimental results. However, I love the fact they said how language controls the way we view reality. We do think in (mathematical )language

People for example with limited vocabulary have a poor outlook on reality whereas those with a rich set of vocabulary view the world richer and abundantly and therefore know better how to deal with their problems. Another example is abstract thinking, those who think abstractly make more money. Someone who writes codes for example. Or a trader who speculates whether the wheat price will go up or down. will make more money than the actual farmer who has practical knowledge of growing wheat.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
this is some straight bulls-hit

bulls as in a bullseye aka your mind, which the demons hit with their third eye

stay away from the bullshit bradar. do u know what a bull is? it is ilmo adeer with the goat. u know who is a goat? Baphomet sxb

stay away from this demonic activity also known as misinformation (missing formation) that causes u to start missing crucial formations inside your bullseye. wa billahi tawfiq


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
this is some straight bulls-hit

bulls as in a bullseye aka your mind, which the demons hit with their third eye

stay away from the bullshit bradar. do u know what a bull is? it is ilmo adeer with the goat. u know who is a goat? Baphomet sxb

stay away from this demonic activity also known as misinformation (missing formation) that causes u to start missing crucial formations inside your bullseye. wa billahi tawfiq
In the 1920, H.G Wells was one of the founders of the Fabian Society, which was branch to run the left-wing on behalf of the Royal Institute for International Affairs. Yes, science-fiction author who was a front man for the British government. He belonged to the Secret Service. He was a propagandist for World War I. The ideas originated from the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations in London – Aldous Huxley was one of scientists – , which still creates mind control today – primarily creating cultural trends and predictive programming. From H.G Wells(actually the Tavistock Institute) idea, Britain had a big movement to convince the public there were too many people and they said they wanted an ideal family of two parents and 1.2 child per family. The British complied with that and Margaret Thatcher when she was in power in the 1980s opened the door to India and she said the reason I have to bring them all in from India is there's not enough people having offspring in Britain to pay-off the national debt. So what I'm saying is when you follow their instructions you won't win anyway.

Mind control is ancient:

The Magi used a mind control technique called Antipodes, which involved rendering the victim helpless by giving them conflicting information on the same subject(s) – the origin of Pro-pagan-da, which always promotes “preserving your culture and way of life”.

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Education 101

Our schools are the product of the funding of Rockefeller, the Astor and the Vanderbilt families – the “robber baron class” -, coupled with Prussian ideology from Prussian priests/philosophers, or in other words, Freemasons.

It was John Dewey that created the Education System for Scientific indoctrination. It was Dewey and later many others such as Lester B Pearson (see Pearson's Nobel Peace Prize Lecture, given in December, 1957) – helped draft up the UN Communist Manifesto – who came up with the idea, that if we’re attacked from outer space, it would be a perfect way for the whole world to come together as one people and basically form a new kind of system and a new way of living. Of which National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger also spoke about in relation to the publics compliance with UN soldiers. See Michael Renne, The Day the Earth Stood Still, which was updated for political correctness – to brainwash the youth. People do nothing because the television conditions them to believe it is “human nature” rather than what it really is, social conditioning.

It was John D Rockefeller. Sr & Andrew Carnegie created the public school system: teacher pensions, and retirements, the General Education Board – whom Frederick Taylor Gates was in-charge. The system was designed to destroy the your volition, literally – see Frustrationand aggression by John Dollard (1939) from Institute of Human Relations, Yale University – but who cares, as long as hookworm is eradicated. See America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones (2004) by Anthony C. Sutton chapter, How the order controls education – derived from actual Skull and Bones pamphlets.

The Yale Troika laid the ground for the PHD system. All these university and schooling administrators who are trained in a compartmentalised mind control system and not a 'comprehensive education' of anything. They are trained to act out protocols aimed towards destroying volition in pupils.

Wilhelm Wundt. Prussian psychotherapist. Creator of the PHD system. A man who believes 'children have no soul'. See Wilhelm Wundt (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). G. Stanley Hall who brought the PHD system back to America. The first American PHD candidate being Edward Everett. See The Leipzig Connection: Basics in Education by Paolo Lionni (1993).

All this should be obvious, but the candidates are jaded. They do not notice they are compartmentalised – exactly like the Prussian PHD system; or that a PHD is given out provided that you support a existing PHD thesis.

What is Academic Tenure? A guarantee of employment that is only given out, conditional, after you have sufficiently rewarded the system that created tenor. Who created tenor? The Rockefellers and the robber baron families.

Outcome Education System originated from the Prussian Education System.

It was Johann Fichte (1806) in a book Addresses to The German Nation; translated by R. Jones, G.H. Turnbull (University of Chicago Press, (1922). The Prussian army had been defeated by Napoleons amateur army at the Battle of Jena 1806; the reason being that this 'demon imagination' was loose among ordinary Prussian soldiers, who were over riding their orders.

Another book documents similar history, Tractatus Theologico-Politicus by Baruch Spinoza (1670). Spinoza said that the 'ordinary population was so 'psychologically diseased' there was no way to heal it'. He described 90% of the population as 'fatally retarded' and irrational. Charles Darwin in Descent of Man spoke in a similar fashion.

Fichte said there was no way to heal the 'disobedience gene'. Fichte (pronounced Fich-ta) said we have to set up 'a system of (universal) forced schooling in which we 'destroy the imagination' – bells, constant testing, ranking etc.

In John Calvin (1536) Institutes of the Christian Religion, Calvin says that the 'saved are 'saved before they are born' and 'damned', who are 19-1, are 'damned before they are born' and no amount of good work of behaviour can saved the damned, and no amount of evil behaviour can damn the saved. The expression being used during this time, also by others was 'justified sinners'. Meaning “the elect”, as he called them, are 'justified sinners' who can do anything. He declared that “the elect” would set up a system of universal 'compulsion-based schooling' (repetitive schooling) with the intention of destroying the imagination by filling the head with garbage.

Plato in The Republic, 2300 years ago, also used the term “controlled schooling” and even the “fashion industry”. Nothing new, same group of Priests.

Bertrand Russell in Impacts of Science on Society, chapter titled Scientific Technique in Oligarchy p50-51. Then read the description of the book, we is described as one of the greatest philosophers(priest) of our modern age with an optimistic view and prevention of war. Philosopher? Strategist, think-tank – argh that's better – of the ruling Elite like his colleagues Zbigniew Brzezinski, Charles Galton Darwin, Aldous Huxley, and HG.Wells. Plato as well, a philosopher.

Plato (2300 years ago) → John Calvin (1500s)→ Baruch Spinoza (1600s)→ Johann Fichte (1800) → Bertrand Russell (1900)


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The shit is deep. I took a neuro-linguisitc course and it was very interesting but it was often based on shaky principles. Heck it's not even theory since it doesn't show predictable experimental results. However, I love the fact they said how language controls the way we view reality. We do think in (mathematical )language

People for example with limited vocabulary have a poor outlook on reality whereas those with a rich set of vocabulary view the world richer and abundantly and therefore know better how to deal with their problems. Another example is abstract thinking, those who think abstractly make more money. Someone who writes codes for example. Or a trader who speculates whether the wheat price will go up or down. will make more money than the actual farmer who has practical knowledge of growing wheat.
Neuro-linguistic programming (or NLP) is a controversial interpersonal communication model applied in psychotherapy and other contexts of communication and change. It was initially co-created by Richard Bandler and linguist John Grinder in the 1970s based on the communication and behavioral patterns acquired from gestalt therapist Fritz Perls, family systems therapist Virginia Satir and psychiatrist Milton H. Erickson. The originators emphasize modeling of excellence as the core methodology of NLP, that is, the methods they used to imitate and produce the models of exceptional communicators. They also claim that the basic assumptions of NLP draw from aspects of neurology (“neuro-”), transformational grammar (“linguistics”) and cybernetics (“programming”). It has often been promoted as an art and science of effective communication and defined as ‘the study of the structure of subjective experience’. Others put more emphasis on the tools, techniques and applications specific to contexts such as psychotherapy, business management and communications training, motivational seminars, personal development, and teaching.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
"World bankers, by pulling a few simple levers that control the flow of money, can make or break entire economies. By controlling press releases of economic strategies that shape national trends, the power elite are able to not only tighten their stranglehold on this nation's economic structure, but can extend that control world wide. Those possessing such power would logically want to remain in the background, invisible to the average citizen." (Aldous Huxley)

The Big Lie of the Therapeutic State

Seeing the world as it is, not as we wish it is, brings us closer to solutions...

'By Names and Images are powers awakened and re-awakened'.~Golden Dawn

Tavistock Formula for Formation of Pathology: Deception, Brainwashing, Dissociation, Conditioning, Negative Injunctions, Forced Choice, Engineered Consent, Double-bind, Dual Reality, Peer Pressure, False Identity, No Exit, Full-Spectrum Dominance = Demoralized Mind Controlled Population; "Bread & Circuses" Formula > The Spectacle > Predictive Programming > 'Manufractured' History

Don't Fall for It: Loaded Words, Loaded Images, The Bandwagon, Polarities, Card Stacking, Isolation, Faulty Reasoning, Conflicting Dualities, Mystique, Perceived Authority, Tunnel Vision, Paradigm and Process Addiction, Soul-Abuse, Sleepwalking, Trance Manipulation, Awareness Gap, Social Conditioning, Science Taboos, Cognitive Distortion, Defensive Routines, Cover Ups, External Rewards, Herd Processing, Oppression, Dehumanization, Injected Ideology, Frame Shifting, Forced Choice, Psychic Driving, Predictive Programming.

World's Most Influential Thintank Ever

"There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution." -- Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961

"The Mother of All Think Tanks," Tavistock tentacles form holographic feedback loops, backdoors and wormhole shortcuts among cultural institutions. Each can be unpacked for their associations and effects on society - Intelligence, Military, Government, NGOs, Economics, InfoTech, Mass Media, Philosophy, Occult, Religion, Science, Academia, Psychology, Psychiatry, Medicine and Zeitgeist. Tavistock took the healing genius of Freud and Jung and aimed it at mass psychology in a controlling way.

Behavior "Mod Squad"

The fractal 'fallout' -- other institutions, programs and cultural trends -- can be mapped from combinations of the above working together as societal control mechanisms. The shortlist of Tavistock's fellow globalist institutions includes Rockefeller Foundation, CIA, MI6, SRI, Brookings, RAND, Club of Rome, Council on Foreign Relations, IMF, PNAC, Pilgrim's Society, Wharton School, World Bank.

Probably the easiest way to understand the history and absorb the complex psychoecology of Tavistock's penetration of culture is to watch some of the classic videos listed here on the Links page. Relationships of these groups are matters of public record.

Tavistock tailors programs to specific situations for these and more as well as setting standards in psychiatry, psychology and organizational management. It declared itself the ultimate authority on mental health and human relations. Divergent thought is declared 'crazy' or 'antisocial.'

Programs with proven historical contexts originating or rooted in Tavistock "brain trust" include: "War on Terror," "Total Information Awareness," "Full Spectrum Dominance," Joint Vision 2020, "Shock & Awe," propaganda, narco-capitalism, social engineering, psystrat, "Open Government," Infowar, behavioral modification, mass brainwashing, "buzzwords," suppressed science, manufactured wars, counterculture, LSD, New Age, cults, -isms, cryptocracy, disinformation, false-flag ops, crisis creation, postmodern apocalypse theory, presence-in-absence, manufactured psychological shocks and stress, encounter groups, Aquarian Conspiracy, corporate feudalism and more. There is a psychosocial war for your mind, your body, even your soul.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
In the 1920, H.G Wells was one of the founders of the Fabian Society, which was branch to run the left-wing on behalf of the Royal Institute for International Affairs. Yes, science-fiction author who was a front man for the British government. He belonged to the Secret Service. He was a propagandist for World War I. The ideas originated from the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations in London – Aldous Huxley was one of scientists – , which still creates mind control today – primarily creating cultural trends and predictive programming. From H.G Wells(actually the Tavistock Institute) idea, Britain had a big movement to convince the public there were too many people and they said they wanted an ideal family of two parents and 1.2 child per family. The British complied with that and Margaret Thatcher when she was in power in the 1980s opened the door to India and she said the reason I have to bring them all in from India is there's not enough people having offspring in Britain to pay-off the national debt. So what I'm saying is when you follow their instructions you won't win anyway.

Mind control is ancient:

The Magi used a mind control technique called Antipodes, which involved rendering the victim helpless by giving them conflicting information on the same subject(s) – the origin of Pro-pagan-da, which always promotes “preserving your culture and way of life”.

p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120%; }a:link { }

Education 101

Our schools are the product of the funding of Rockefeller, the Astor and the Vanderbilt families – the “robber baron class” -, coupled with Prussian ideology from Prussian priests/philosophers, or in other words, Freemasons.

It was John Dewey that created the Education System for Scientific indoctrination. It was Dewey and later many others such as Lester B Pearson (see Pearson's Nobel Peace Prize Lecture, given in December, 1957) – helped draft up the UN Communist Manifesto – who came up with the idea, that if we’re attacked from outer space, it would be a perfect way for the whole world to come together as one people and basically form a new kind of system and a new way of living. Of which National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger also spoke about in relation to the publics compliance with UN soldiers. See Michael Renne, The Day the Earth Stood Still, which was updated for political correctness – to brainwash the youth. People do nothing because the television conditions them to believe it is “human nature” rather than what it really is, social conditioning.

It was John D Rockefeller. Sr & Andrew Carnegie created the public school system: teacher pensions, and retirements, the General Education Board – whom Frederick Taylor Gates was in-charge. The system was designed to destroy the your volition, literally – see Frustrationand aggression by John Dollard (1939) from Institute of Human Relations, Yale University – but who cares, as long as hookworm is eradicated. See America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones (2004) by Anthony C. Sutton chapter, How the order controls education – derived from actual Skull and Bones pamphlets.

The Yale Troika laid the ground for the PHD system. All these university and schooling administrators who are trained in a compartmentalised mind control system and not a 'comprehensive education' of anything. They are trained to act out protocols aimed towards destroying volition in pupils.

Wilhelm Wundt. Prussian psychotherapist. Creator of the PHD system. A man who believes 'children have no soul'. See Wilhelm Wundt (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). G. Stanley Hall who brought the PHD system back to America. The first American PHD candidate being Edward Everett. See The Leipzig Connection: Basics in Education by Paolo Lionni (1993).

All this should be obvious, but the candidates are jaded. They do not notice they are compartmentalised – exactly like the Prussian PHD system; or that a PHD is given out provided that you support a existing PHD thesis.

What is Academic Tenure? A guarantee of employment that is only given out, conditional, after you have sufficiently rewarded the system that created tenor. Who created tenor? The Rockefellers and the robber baron families.

Outcome Education System originated from the Prussian Education System.

It was Johann Fichte (1806) in a book Addresses to The German Nation; translated by R. Jones, G.H. Turnbull (University of Chicago Press, (1922). The Prussian army had been defeated by Napoleons amateur army at the Battle of Jena 1806; the reason being that this 'demon imagination' was loose among ordinary Prussian soldiers, who were over riding their orders.

Another book documents similar history, Tractatus Theologico-Politicus by Baruch Spinoza (1670). Spinoza said that the 'ordinary population was so 'psychologically diseased' there was no way to heal it'. He described 90% of the population as 'fatally retarded' and irrational. Charles Darwin in Descent of Man spoke in a similar fashion.

Fichte said there was no way to heal the 'disobedience gene'. Fichte (pronounced Fich-ta) said we have to set up 'a system of (universal) forced schooling in which we 'destroy the imagination' – bells, constant testing, ranking etc.

In John Calvin (1536) Institutes of the Christian Religion, Calvin says that the 'saved are 'saved before they are born' and 'damned', who are 19-1, are 'damned before they are born' and no amount of good work of behaviour can saved the damned, and no amount of evil behaviour can damn the saved. The expression being used during this time, also by others was 'justified sinners'. Meaning “the elect”, as he called them, are 'justified sinners' who can do anything. He declared that “the elect” would set up a system of universal 'compulsion-based schooling' (repetitive schooling) with the intention of destroying the imagination by filling the head with garbage.

Plato in The Republic, 2300 years ago, also used the term “controlled schooling” and even the “fashion industry”. Nothing new, same group of Priests.

Bertrand Russell in Impacts of Science on Society, chapter titled Scientific Technique in Oligarchy p50-51. Then read the description of the book, we is described as one of the greatest philosophers(priest) of our modern age with an optimistic view and prevention of war. Philosopher? Strategist, think-tank – argh that's better – of the ruling Elite like his colleagues Zbigniew Brzezinski, Charles Galton Darwin, Aldous Huxley, and HG.Wells. Plato as well, a philosopher.

Plato (2300 years ago) → John Calvin (1500s)→ Baruch Spinoza (1600s)→ Johann Fichte (1800) → Bertrand Russell (1900)
:russ: my nigga
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